2024 Year End Fundraiser!

MyLLife is actively working on programs to benefit the community and are in need of funds. We are currently working on the following programs: the continuation of our MyLLife Scholars Program which gives graduate & undergraduate students the opportunity to receive a Public Policy Scholarship, developing our Economic & Social Justice Program, and increasing the number of internships at MyLLife to accelerate our work. Our target for this fundraiser is $145,000. Supporters like you make it possible for our community to imagine a better future! For updates on our fundraiser, sign up for our mailing list or follow us on social media!

2024 Year End Fundraiser Progress

We have raised $15,120.00 of our $145,000.00  goal.

Real change starts with you.

You have the power to donate your time or money to positively impact the lives of everyone we serve. Even a small donation can make a big difference. Thanks for taking the time to consider donating to our cause to help better our community.

Our Causes & Programs

MyLLife has undertaken several initiatives in 2024:

  • MyLLife Scholars Program (MLSP) – Our flagship program is in its third year (since 2022) where we encourage college students from Muslim and immigrant/minority backgrounds to explore careers in public services by taking on a full-time summer internship at Federal, State and local level with government agencies and non-profit organizations. This summer we had funded 8 such Scholars – you can see their profiles here. If you click on the picture, you will also hear a short video in their own voice about their summer experiences. Our scholarship ranges from $1,500 - $4,000 for the summer. Please consider sponsoring one or more students this upcoming summer of 2025. Our budget for 2025 is $60,000 and will support 20 such Scholars during summer of 2025.
  • Economic and Social Justice Program (ESJP) – This program was launched in 2023 to engage graduate and undergraduate students in meaningful research of immediate economic and social impacts. We focus on assessing how large public companies are contributing to (or hindering) economic and social equity, employee wellbeing and health of the planet. These Research Interns are full time graduate students in various disciplines such as business, law, economics, public policy, social science with a passion for economic and social justice. They spend 10 hours/week and work as a team with other graduate interns, community fellows and MyLLife Interns. The stipend for a graduate intern for the year is $10,000. Please consider sponsoring one or more such interns for 2025. Our goal is to staff this program with 5 such interns year-around at a cost of $50,000 per year. Some of the articles written by our research interns can be accessed here.
  • MyLLife Internship Program (MLIP) – We employee part-time interns to support our internal admin and social media activities, website content update and maintenance. They are full time professionals who dedicate part of their time to MyLLife or college students interning with us to augment their college work study related earnings. Our budget for this is $20,000 for 2025
  • MyLLife Community Outreach Program (MLOP) – This effort is geared towards forming partnership with other non-profits, academic institutions, exploring creative programs to augment and support our work and reaching individuals and communities to increase support for MyLLife. For example, we have recently formed a community fellowship program with GMU where the university Community Development Program will fund several undergraduates to intern with MyLLife during fall, spring and summer. We are budgeting $15,000 towards MLOP and will flex upward as we increasing our programs and funding.

New Programs Coming in 2025-2026:

  • Law Scholarship Program (LSP) – We are launching this program in 2025 to provide scholarship to Muslim Law students who intend to pursue public policy related career. It is imperative to increase percentage of Muslim lawyers in USA as such legal experts have disproportionate impact on formulating public policy, advising elected officials and setting agency program and priorities – areas where Muslim and minority voices are non-existent. We have a modest budget of $25,000 for 2025 to start this program by offering one or more scholarships to current law students and form partnership with universities and other non-profit for matching funds to increase leverage for our fund.
  • MyLLife Business Incubator (MLBI) – Creating wealth in the community and a community that is empowered to take care of its own affair requires businesses that employ community members and support the community in asserting its right and carry out its responsibilities in society. This program, targeted to launch in 2026 will seek out inspiring college students and faculty members at various university campus and community settings who have innovative ideas and provide them with seed fund to bring ideas to fruition before commercialization. This program will provide mentorship, create pathways for additional funding and shape the mindset of these entrepreneurs/business owners to commit to economic growth, social justice and service to the community. Initial funding is targeted for $100,000 in 2026. This is informational for now to raise your awareness.

Here is quick summary of our funding estimates:

  • Ongoing programs: $145,000
  • New Programs - $25,000 
  • Total: $160,000

Please donate generously and help us reach out to other individuals and organizations that you feel could fund these programs. You can donate on our website using credit card or bank transfer. We can also set up links with your Donor Advised Funds at institutions like Fidelity, Charles Schwab, Goldman Sachs, and others. Don’t forget to read our MyLLife Digest – a monthly newsletter. Give us your feedback. We welcome you to be a contributor and write in our Digest.

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