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MyLLife Digest: November 2023

Empathy & Action

The phrase “Hearts and Minds” is frequently employed to express unity and empathy with victims of tragic incidents. However, the severity of the atrocities unfolding in Gaza and Israel surpasses what the term “hearts and minds” can adequately convey in terms of empathy for the victims and their families. The collective outcry of screams, yells, and howls seems to resonate more accurately with the profound anguish experienced in the Middle East and many parts of the world.

Reports of atrocities from the conflict zone are flooding both traditional media and social media platforms around the clock. Amidst this deluge of information, discerning the truth becomes a daunting task. Which sources can we trust? Which ones are unbiased? Which ones accurately depict the reality on the ground?

The heart-wrenching images of children caught in the crossfire raise further questions. Are these scenes a stark portrayal of the grim reality, or are they being used as propaganda tools?

The men in suits making decisions far removed from the battlefield - are they fully cognizant of the repercussions of their actions?

The sight of people going about their daily lives amidst the ruins is equally perplexing. How can life carry on amidst such devastation?

Today, it’s hard to fathom how such atrocities can still occur. It’s a stark reminder of the urgent need for peace and understanding in our world.

While the devastation unfolds at a distance, we may wonder how to provide meaningful assistance. The proposed actions may not quell the immediate emotional turmoil, but they can significantly impact those enduring these atrocities. Some measures offer immediate relief, while others serve to voice our indignation and concerns to those in power regarding the current situation.

For enduring peace, a shift in our understanding of conflicts, from the human perspective of truth and justice, is what should drive the solution. Education, active engagement, civil discourse, and revisiting long standing policies are vital for our government to aid in long-term resolution to conflicts, including those between Middle East and Israel. Peacebuilding requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond reacting to distressing images circulating in both traditional and social media. It’s a gradual and lengthy process, but the rewards are undoubtedly worthwhile and more enduring.

Immediate needs:

  • Extend assistance by providing food and support to those in need.
  • Consider making contributions to global organizations such as the UN World Food Program, UNICEF, and Doctors Without Borders, which are dedicated to addressing humanitarian crises. Alternatively, you may also choose to support other organizations that align with your philanthropic interests.

Political Action: 

Long term solution: 

  • Stay Informed: Keep up to date with the latest news and developments by tuning in to reliable media outlets and human rights organizations. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) provides a comprehensive resource guide on Palestine. Stay informed, stay aware.



Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid - Paperback – Jimmy Carter 2007