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MyLLife Digest: September 2023

Qur'an & Hadith Reflections

In our last issue, we touched on various human condition and challenges in our current century and in most of them we have our hands that are bringing about such unwelcome changes. Yet we are capable of responsible choices that offer better alternatives but what gets in the way? In this context it would be useful to reflect on the earliest revelations in the Qur’an which shed light on our human potentials, God’s immense gift and care for humanity and our arrogance that belittle our existence and our stewardship of this beautiful planet.

In Surah 96, titled Attachment, the first 5 verses are universally known to be the first revelation that came to Prophet Mohammad during his mediation in cave Hira in Makkah – “READ in the name of your Cherisher (God)! Who creates; creates human beings with attachments! Read! Your Cherisher is Grand and Most Generous! Who teaches with Pen, teaches humanity what it does not know!” (v1-5). On one hand this message relates to us of a God who is generous, magnificent and bestows knowledge on us from above. Such an endowed species learns how to read, share knowledge and creates attachment to fellow human beings, to God, to nature. The malaise may lies in our attitude to God, to nature and to fellow human beings. The next three verses continues as – “Beware, humankind is ever rebellious because it considers itself selfsufficient, (whereas) its eventual return is to its Cherisher (God)! (v6-8). Perhaps this is where the real issue is – we pride in ourselves, and our abilities (including knowledge) makes us way too confident and over-reliant that we don’t feel the need of God’s help and disregard moral and ethical boundaries that assures harmony in our world!

Something for all of us to reflect and become more responsible for our action – individually and collectively knowing that we have accountability to not only one another but also to God to Whom we all go back to explain our conducts.