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MyLLife Digest: September 2023

Stewards of the Earth

Humans have been able to solve environmental challenges and improve living conditions. Today, there are still many environmental problems that we face, such as global warming, loss of biodiversity, pollution from plastics, and food and water insecurity. These issues require attention for our health and safety and those of our community.

To address these issues, experts recommend a multi-faceted approach: replace disposable items with reusable ones, conserve electricity, recycle and reduce your carbon footprint where you can. We can also curb air pollution and improve health standards for all by using cleaner energy sources such as wind or solar power. In this, the government can play a key role by encouraging adoption of less polluting technologies.

Islam too calls upon the faithful to embrace the stewardship of the earth and take responsibility for taking care of our planet. In the Quran, humans have the mandate to improve life and the planet. “Thus, we have made you trustees (Khalifa) on the earth after them, to see how you would act.” [Qur'an 10:14]. With the task of stewardship, Allah both honors and tests man. If man is allowed to make use of nature on the one hand, then on the other hand he is responsible for the balanced and sustainable use of it.