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Section I: Early Makkan Chapters (610 – 615 CE)

Chapter 73 - 7

Covered (Surah Al-Muzammil

(20 verses in total; revealed in early Makkan Period) 


This chapter introduced nightly prayers (tahajjud) as a means to deeper devotion and deeper appreciation of the message contained in the Qur’an. This Surah also begins to illustrate the physical manifestation of the Day of Resurrection.  

Key themes in this chapter are as follows: 

  • Optional night prayer as much as one can but within reason and ability is highly encouraged for the Prophet and his followers 
  • The Day of Resurrection will cause upheaval on earth and flatten the mountains 
  • Ritual prayers and devotion, contributing to common good and charity are foundational for progress in this life and rewards in the Hereafter 

In the Name of God, the God of Mercy and the Endower of Mercy! 

O You (Prophet) covered up (in your cloak)!

            Rise (to devotion) by night

                      All but a little

                      Half of the night or a little less

                                 Or a little more

                                            And recite the Qur’an, slowly and distinctly! (v. 1-4)

We are about to endow you with a mighty message

           The vigil of the night will make the impression deeper

                      The words sharper

Your days are consumed in prolong activities

           Be mindful of the exalted nature (Esma) of your Sustainer

                      Fully devote yourself to God

           The Cherisher of the East and the West

                      There is no other god but God

                                 Take God as your true Guardian

           Be patient with what the deniers say

                      Ignore their behavior with dignity (v. 5-10)

Leave the deniers to Me

           Those who possess plenty (wealth and pride)

                      Let’s spare them for a while

With Us are fetters (to restrain)

           And abyss (of fire)

                      And food that chokes

                                 And consequences dire

           On a Day when the earth and mountains will shake

                      The mountains becoming heaps of loose sand (v. 11-14)

           (O people) We have sent you a messenger

                      As a witness for you

                                 Just as We sent a messenger to Pharaoh

           But the Pharaoh denied the messenger

                      And We seized him with a terrifying grip

           How, then, if you deny (God)

                      Will you protect yourselves?

                                 From a Day that turns children grey-haired

                                            Makes the sky torn to pieces

                                                       Surely, God’s promise is ever fulfilled! (v. 15-18)

           Indeed, this is a Reminder

                      You are free, if you will, to take the way to Your Sustainer God! (v. 19)

(O Prophet), Your Sustainer Knows that you spend nearly two-thirds of the night in devotion, sometime half of it, sometimes a third of it and so does a group of those who follow you.  It is God who measures the night and the day. God recognizes that you are not able to do so. Therefore, God has relented to all of you – therefore, devote and read as much of the Qur’an as is easy for you. 

God knows that there are those who are sick among you, those who travels on land, seeking livelihoods and others who exerts in God’s way. Therefore, read as much of it as easy for you, while you maintain your worship of God (salah), support common good (zakat) and lend to God a good loan (qardan hasanan - sadaqah). 

Whatever good deeds you store for your soul beforehand, you will find it with God – better and with a grand reward! 

Ask forgiveness from God. God is Forgiving, God is the Endower of Mercy! (v. 20) 
