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Section I: Early Makkan Chapters (610 – 615 CE)

Chapter 74-3

Wrapped up in Cloak (Surah Al-Mudassir

(56 verses in total; revealed in very early Makkan Period) 


While the first seven verses are considered the second revelation, the remaining verses are of later times but within the early Makkan period.  It touches on a series of topics such as how the Prophet should proceed with conveying the message, how people with power and wealth will oppose his effort and how their effort will eventually be made fruitless in this life and lead to the unfolding of ultimate reality in the afterlife. 

Key themes in this chapter are: 

  • The Prophet should not feel overwhelmed by the revelations and the awesome tasks ahead but begin to communicate more publicly this message 

  • The rich and the powerful leaders are warned to reflect on their material wellbeing and amends before they are called to account 

  • The Day of Accountability is ever approaching when arrogant and deniers will be humiliated, though for now they feel secure and superior 

In the Name of God, the God of Mercy and Endower of Mercy! 

O You (Prophet) wrapped up in your cloak (confined to home)

       Rise and warn (publicly)

              Proclaim the greatness of your Cherisher God

Purify yourself

       Avoid all uncleanliness

              Don’t weaken or feel overwhelmed

                     Be patient, for the sake of your Sustainer God (v. 1-7)

When the trumpet is sounded

       Announcing a Day - a difficult day

              For the deniers – it will be anything but easy!

Leave Me (God) alone with him1

       Whom I created

              Whom I have given vast wealth

                     Large followers in his presence

                            Life made easy!

                                   Yet, he wishes that I give him more (v. 8-15)

By no means!

       He is persistently opposed to Our Messages

              I will cause unceasing challenges to overtake him

                     Because he thought and he was deliberate

                            How awful is his deliberation?

                                   See, how awful is the way he plans (v. 16-20)

He looked

       He frowned; he became angry

              He turned back with blind arrogance

                     Said he, “This is nothing but tales of ancient!”

                            “This is nothing but the word from a mortal” (v. 21-25)

I (God) will cast him in a devouring fire (Saqara)

       What will make you comprehend what that fire is?

              It outlasts everything and spares nothing

                     Exposing all mortals!

                            Nineteen are over it (v. 26-30)

We have made none but angels as guardians to the fire. Their numbers (angels or the fires) are only to cause confusion for the deniers but as an affirmation for those who had been given the book (e.g., Jews and Christians) before and to increase the faith of the believers. Those who had been given the book before and those who are faithful have no doubts whereas those whose hearts are corrupt and those who are in denials say, “What does God mean by this parable?” This is how God leaves in error whom He pleases and guides whom He pleases.  Nobody knows the hosts (Junudha) of your Sustainer!.  This (message) is nothing but a Reminder for the mortals! (v. 31) 

(Look) at the moon

       The night as it departs

              The dawn as it lightens up

                     This (message) is a mighty thing

A pure warning to the mortals

       Whomever wish to move forward or stay back

              Every soul (nafs) is bound to its action (v. 32-38)

But the people of the Right

       They are in gardens

              Inquiring about the guilty

                     “What has brought you to this fire?”

They (guilty) will say:

       “We were not those who worshipped

              We did not feed the poor

                     We indulged in vain talks among the indulgent

                            We denied the Day of Judgment

                                   Until the inevitable came upon us”

Therefore, no plea from any intermediary can benefit them now. (v. 39-48)

What is the matter with them?

       Why do they turn away from the Reminder?

              Stampeding like frightened asses from a lion!

Every one of them desires that a book be brought out to him

       And unrolled before their very eyes!

But never! They are totally unmindful about the Hereafter. (v. 49-53)

Yet, this is truly a Reminder

       Let whoever may wish to mind

              But none will except as God pleases

God is most worthy to demand personal accountability

       Most worthy of granting forgiveness! (v. 54-56)


1It is meant to be Walid ibn Mughira and other tribal leaders and rich merchants of Makkah – he being one of the early opponents to Prophet Mohammad and God’s messages
