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Section I: Early Makkan Chapters (610 – 615 CE)

Chapter 81 - 15

The Enfolding (Surah Al-Takwir)

(29 verses in total; revealed in early Makkan period)


In the Name of God, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!

When the sun is folded up

          When the stars become dark

When mountains are set to move

           When pregnant camels are left unattended

                    When all wild beasts are gathered

                              When the seas boil over (v. 1-6)

When souls are sorted

When the baby girl buried alive is asked –

          For what sin she was killed (v. 7-9)

When the records of deeds are opened

When the covering of heaven is stripped away

          When the fire of Hell is set ablaze

                    And the Paradise is brought near

                              Every soul will know its readiness (v. 10-14)

I (God) swear by the stars

          Receding, running their courses and hiding

                    The night as it diminishes

                              The day as it softly brightens! (v. 15-18)

This, indeed, is the Word from a Noble Messenger (Gabriel)

          Mighty and esteemed in the presence of God

                    Listened to (by other angels) and faithful (to God) (v. 19-21)

You companion (Prophet) is not delusional

          He truly saw him (Gabriel) on the clear horizon

                    He does not withhold what was revealed to him from beyond

                              Neither it is a word from the devil rejected (v. 22-25)

So, where are you heading?

          This Reminder is but for all of humanity

                    Whoever so desire, let them find the straight path

                              But you will not, unless God so wills

                                        The Cherisher of the Universe! (v. 26-29)
