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Section I: Early Makkan Chapters (610 – 615 CE)

Chapter 93 - 4

Morning Brightness (Surah Ad-Dhuha)

(11 verses in total; revealed in early Makkan period)


In the early days of his prophethood, when revelations were infrequent, the Prophet was in a state of mental and spiritual turmoil. It was not only due to the newness and awesomeness of the message but also his attempts to figure out God’s plan of him as a messenger and how he should carry out this divine mission. The intense opposition and hate from his community, especially from his own clans and tribes, made the situation worse.

Key themes in this chapter are:

  • The Prophet is assured that his current difficulties are temporary just as day light appears after a prolong night

  • God had always looked after him even before becoming a prophet – when he was an orphan, when he was deeply contemplating guidance and when he was materially poor

  • His focus needs to be welfare of the indigent, orphans and enunciation of God’s message

In the Name of God, the God of Mercy and Endower of Mercy!

By the brightness of the day!

            By the night as it dims!

Your Cherisher God did not forsake you

           Nor is God displeased

Indeed, your future state will be better than your past

           Soon your Sustainer will afford you to make you content! (v. 1-5)

Did God not find you an orphan

           And gave you shelter?

Did God not find you looking for guidance

           And showed you the way?

Did God not find you in need

           And enriched you? (v. 6-8)

Therefore, to the orphans, never be harsh!

           To those who ask, never rebuke!

                      And for the gift from your Sustainer, always proclaim! (v. 9-11)
