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Section I: Early Makkan Chapters (610 – 615 CE)

Chapter 94 - 5

Expansion (Surah Al- Inshirah)

(8 verses in total; revealed in early Makkan period)


In continuation of the previous chapter, the encouragement to the prophet continues with a reminder of God’s grace to him under all circumstances.

Key themes in this chapter are:

  • God’s grace to the Prophet is evident enough – he only has to look at himself
  • Every difficulty is followed by ease
  •  God should be his sole Providence while exerting to convey the divine message

In the Name of God, the God of Mercy and Endower of Mercy!

Did We (God) not

              Expand your world view?

                          Remove from you your burden  

                                       Weighing heavy on your back?  

                                                    And raised your reputation high? (v. 1-4)

Truly, for every difficulty, there is ease  

             Surely, after every difficulty, there comes ease! (v. 5-6)  

Therefore, when you are freed, exert yourself

             And direct your devotion to your Cherisher! (v. 7-8)
