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Section III: Late Makkan Chapters (619 – 623 CE)

Chapter 32 - 88

Bowing to God (Surah Al-Sajdah)

(32 verses in total; revealed late Makkan Period, closer to migration)


In the name of Allah, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!

Alif, Lam, Meem!

The revelation of this Book – there is no doubt about it – is from the God of the Universe! Yet some says, “He (Prophet) has fabricated it.” But it is the truth from your Sustainer God so that you (Prophet) may caution people since no such warner has come before so that these people may be guided.

ALLAH is the One who created the heavens, the earth and all that is in-between in six periods and then assumed control over them. Besides God, you have no other who can act as guardian or to intervene. Will you not be mindful? God issues decrees from the heaven to the earth and its affairs ascend back to God over a period, the measure of which is a thousand years, by your calculation. Such is God – the Knower of what is hidden and what is exposed, the Mighty, the Endower of Mercy!

God has made everything of God’s creation as beautiful and wholesome and initiated the creation of humankind from dust. God then prescribed the descendent of humankind to reproduce from an extraction of mundane water (ovum), then makes it complete by breathing into it God’s spirit (ruh). Then gave it ears, eyes and a heart! Yet, how little is your thankfulness! (v. 1-9)

Yet they say, “When we have decayed in our graves, shall there be a new creation?” These deniers only refuges to acknowledge that they have an appointment with ALLAH. Say to them, “The angel of death, who is given charge to execute over you, will cause you to die.  Then you will journey back to God.”

If you could only observe or visualize, when the guilty will hang their heads before God and plead, “God, we have seen and we have heard. Send us back and we will do good, now that we are certain of the reality!”

If We (God) had pleased, We could have prescribed to every soul its guidance, but the Word from Me (God) will come to fruition – the hell will be filled with (denying) humankind and jinns. Face this, since you forgot this appointment of yours. We forsake you now.  Suffer through the lasting consequence of your own actions.

The true believers are those who when they are reminded of Our messages, they bow down (sujjad), praise God and humble themselves. They leave the comfort of their sleep and call on God with trepidation and hope. They devote to charity from what We have given them as provisions.

No soul knows the delights that are kept hidden – to reward their good works! (v. 10-17)

Are those who are believers the same as those who transgress all limits? They can never be equal! Those who believe and do good, for them are Gardens - a paradise, and happiness - for what they did! But those who transgressed, their refuge is fire. Whenever they attempt to escape from it, they are brought back into it and reminded, “Suffer the consequence of this fire which you denied.” We (God) did try them with dire consequences in their earthy life before this greater consequence, giving them opportunities to turn back. Who is more in error than the one who is reminded of the message from their Sustainer God but turns away from it?  Surely, We do extract retribution from the guilty!

We (God) did give Moses the Book and made it a guide for the Children of Israel. So, do not doubt about your meeting with God. We established leaders among them and commanded them to guide and exercise patience.  They were certain and sincere about Our messages! God will surely decide among them on the day of Resurrection regarding their differences. (v. 18-25)

Is it not clear to them how many generations in whose lands they travel We have removed before them? These are indeed signs, only if they could hear!  Do they not see how We direct water to a land that is dry and then We bring forth herbage and produce which they eat and their cattle as well?  How can they not see? (Instead) they ask, “When will this victory appear, if you speak the truth?”  Say, “When the victory comes, the faith of those who disbelieved will neither generate profit nor offer reprieve!”

So (Prophet)! Turn away from such people and have patience, as they wait as well! (v. 26-30)
