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Section I: Early Makkan Chapters (610 – 615 CE)

Chapter 103 - 6

The Declining Day (Surah Al-Asr)

(3 verses in total; revealed in early Makkan period)


One of the shortest chapters that gives essential nature of human condition and how to make life’s effort enduring and purpose driven.

Key themes in this chapters are:

  • Each day is wasted if we do not improve our individual and collective human condition.
  • Faith in God and the practice of goodness are essential to a meaningful life.
  • Faith and goodness can only be achieved if we seek the truth and exercise patience.

In the Name of God, the God of Mercy and the Endower of Mercy!

By the declining Day1

         Human beings are, indeed, in a state of loss

                   Unless they believe (iman)

                              And do good (swaliha)

                   And exhort one another to truth (haqq)

                              And exhort one another for patience (sabr)

1It is reported in Hadith that some of the prophet’s companion would not part company until one of them recited this surah in its entirely as a reminder.
