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Section I: Early Makkan Chapters (610 – 615 CE)

Chapter 76 - 9

Human Being (Surah Al-Insan1)

(31 verses in total; revealed in middle Makkan period)


In parallel with the first revelation (chapter 96-1) where God mentioned creation of humankind out of love, this revelation draws attention to human reproductive capacity through the union of sperm and egg and their being subject to trials after their endowment with knowledge, sensory and intellectual capabilities, and guidance sent from God.

Key themes in this chapter are as follows:

  • The significance of human beings comes not from their biological origin but endowment of divine essence, intellectual and spiritual capabilities, free-will and directed guidance sent through prophets and other messengers.

  • Contrast is laid out between those who acknowledge God and do good vs. those who deny God and act unjustly in this life

  • Some aspects of afterlife from rewards in heaven and consequences in hellfire are described in literal term, perhaps as examples, so one can visualize and relate such descriptions to our earthly experience.

In the Name of God, the God of Mercy and the Endower of Mercy!

Had there been a time

           When the human species was nothing worthy of a mention?

                      Surely, We (God) created them from sperm and egg

                      And to put them under trial

                                 We gave them hearing and sight!

                                 Offered them guidance to the path (to God)

                                            They can be thankful or in denial! (v. 1-3)

We have prepared for the deniers

           Chains, iron collars and blazing fire (sa’yir) (v. 4)

But for the righteous

           A drink from a cup

                      A drink effusing fragrance

            A fountain from which only servants of God drink

                      Flowing in abundance

           They fulfill their promises

                      Mindful of a day

                                 When dire consequences will be widespread

           They feed the poor, the orphans, and the captives

                      Out of love for God

           (they say): “We feed you for God’s pleasure

                      Aspiring no rewards or thanks from you

           We are mindful of our Cherisher God

                      About a Day

                                 Grim and distressing” (v. 5-10)

On that Day

           God will protect them from the day’s evils

           Bring them to splendor and happiness

                      A reward for being steadfast

                      Gardens and silk (dresses)

                      Reclining on couches elevated

                      Experiencing neither intense heat nor cold

                      With branches leaning over them

                                 Providing shade

                                 And fruit clusters within reach

                      Being served with

                                 Vessels of silver

                                 Goblets and shiny silver platters

                                 Measured in due portions

                                 From cups a drink

                                 Infused with ginger

                                 From a fountain named Salsabil

                      Served by youth as they go around

                                 Never changing in age

                                            Like scattered pearls

                                                       To the beholders

           As you look around

                      You see blessings

                      The expanse of a grand kingdom!

                      Garments made of fine green silk and brocade

                      Sliver bracelets

                      A pure drink – made by their Sustainer God (v. 11-21)

Indeed, this is a reward for you

           Your strivings duly recognized! (v. 22)

Indeed, We Ourselves have revealed this Qur’an

           In portions to you (Prophet)

Patiently wait for judgment from your Sustainer

           Don’t give in to the sinners and the ungrateful amongst them

Glorify the essence of your Cherisher God

           Mornings and evenings

           In part of the night, prostrate to your Sustainer

           Glorify throughout the long night

These deniers

           Love this transitory life

           Neglecting the grim day ahead of them

           We (God) created them

                      And made their constitutions firm

           But We can replace them

           if We so please! (v. 23 – 28)

Again, this is a Reminder

           Whoever desires it

                      Let them follow their path to The Cherisher

           But they will not be able to

                      Unless God so pleases

                      God is ever Knowing, Wise!

           (God) admit to His Mercy as He pleases

           But for the unjust and oppressor

                      God has prepared a terrible consequence! (v. 29-31)

1The word used is “insan” which I have rendered as Human being (here) or in other instances as Humankind or Mankind as opposed to “Man” which though generally imply male but also both male and female in standard English.
