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MyLLife Digest: October 2024

The Dancer

The dancer took to the stage, moving with the rhythm of the music as spectacular chants of life erupted on the floor. Lovely ambiance and carefree moments of life in abundance as colorful clothing and conversations mingled in awe. Life force moving through the beauty in moments of warm breath, holding hands in love and feeling One.

Hiking in the desert, gentle playful breeze, serene cool air tickling the skin, eyes see beauty of the sand, encompassing the vast horizon, the dancer took the stage, a different kind however, a rattle snake, getting rattled by smell of danger around him and trying to ward of the danger by its musical rattle, sending shivers down the spine, deep to DNA level. A sudden pause, awe of the fear and dancer moved slowly away from the path of the hiker, suddenly the horizon rattled to serious contemplation.

Climbing up in the comfort of the car, challenges of the windy roads, behind many vehicles going for the same destination on a lazy sunny weekend, mind contemplating about the destination, never visited before, an unexpected streak of low clouds suddenly ran to the road and visibility become negligible. Road signs obliterated the curves of the deep mountain valley endangering the life force in the car, fears mounted, bigger than the mountains around. A few miles travels became a long stretch. Sun no longer visible thus a deep fog, dense with unknown fears. Let’s turn around from this fog where nothing is visible beyond the next few feet. Turing around with care and diligence, looking for sun and brighter spots on the road. Suddenly the fog and fears lifted as the sun broke through the fears of darkness, the dancer took to the stage, this time “Mount Rainier” with its majesty and grander, tree leaves begin to dance again and air playing music of life through playful harmonies of the surrounding streams.

The sound of the first bomb blast in the neighborhood, followed by chilly air in the midst of the night confusion abound, cries of the children and hurting souls became visible to the naked eye, the dancer took to the stage of life, this time dance of death and dying, sending chills of fears down the spine with the musical sounds of the bullets passing through the air, flashes of sudden lights, unlike any fireworks of celebration, the music of war playing loudly in the theater near you. Dance of death in the sounds of the shrieking sirens.

The celebration of new life born on this earth from beyond, the return of the life known for few years spent on this planet, the dancer keeps dancing the music of life for those who can see through the mystery of life of this eternal dance before the dancer and the dance is extinguished.

According to Rumi, dance is the very essence of life that can be seen everywhere in nature : the sunlight dancing with the shadows, the wind dancing with the trees or the bees with the flowers. Rumi’s world is a world of wonders and in order to see it, we must dance!

“The morning wind spreads its fresh smell. We must get up and take that in, that wind that lets us live. Breathe before it's gone.” ― Rumi