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Monthly Qur'an Readings

Session 2

Chapter 2: The Cow (Surah Al-Baqarah) - Continued…

Verses 141–143

In the name of ALLAH, The God of Mercy, The Endower of Mercy

These people have passed away! Their reward will come from what they did, and your reward will come from what you do, and you will not be asked as to what they did.

The fools among the people say, “What has made them (Muslims) change their kiblah (direction of prayer) from what they had before?” Inform them, “The East and the West belong to ALLAH alone, and God guides to the right guidance whom God pleases.”

Thus, We (God) have distinguished you as a balanced community so that you may be a role model (witness) for the people just as the Prophet is a role model for you. And We did not make the kiblah that you longed for (right away) so that We might differentiate he who follows the Prophet from he who moves away from the Prophet. It was a difficult test (to make the change), except for those who are guided by God. (Rest assured) that God was not going to make your faith a failure. God is ever Compassionate and Merciful to mankind.

Verses 144–149

We (God) have seen you turn your face to Heaven (for guidance), so We will make you the master of the kiblah you desire. Then turn your face toward the Sacred Mosque (Ka’bah) and do so (pray) wherever you all may be. Those who were given the Book know that this is the truth from their Lord, and God is not indifferent to what they do.

Even if you were to bring all signs to those who have been given Books before, they would not turn to your kiblah, neither can you be a follower of their kiblah, nor do they follow each other’s kiblah. If you should follow their desires after knowledge has been attained by you, then you would become ignorant (like them).

They, who were given the Book, recognize him (Prophet Mohammad) as clearly as they recognize their (own) children. But a party of them hides the truth knowingly. (But you should know that) the truth is from your Lord, and, (hence), do not place any doubt in it!

For everyone there is a goal to which they turn; so compete in doing good deeds with each other, and wherever you happen to be, ALLAH will bring all together, as God has power over all things. From whatever place you come from, turn your face to the Sacred Mosque and know that this truth comes from your Sustainer, as God is not the least bit negligent about what you do.

Verses 150–152

Whatever places you come from, turn your face to the Sacred Mosque, and wherever you are, turn your faces toward it. (This will ensure that) people will have no issues with you, except those who are unjust. Therefore, do not fear them, but stand in awe of Me (God) (and follow) so that I may complete My blessings and (help you) follow the right path.

As We (God) have sent a messenger from among you who recites to you God’s messages, who purifies your (soul and body), and who teaches you the Book, wisdom, and knowledge which you did not have (before).

Therefore, remember ALLAH and God will remember you (make you prominent). Give thanks to God and do not deny God (as a disbeliever).

Verses 153–160

O believers! Seek (God’s) assistance with patience and constant devotion and (know that) ALLAH is with those who are patient.

Do not consider those who die in God’s service as dead. No, they are alive, but you cannot perceive. God will try (each of) you with the likes of fear, hunger, and loss of property, lives, and harvest. But good news is for the patient ones who, in the face of adversity, respond by saying, “We belong to God, and to Him we will return.” On these people God showers His blessings and mercy. They are on the right path.

The Safa and Marwah (the two mountains in the compound of the Ka’bah) are among the symbols of God, and for whoever makes the pilgrimage (Hajj) or pays a visit (Umrah) to the House of God, there is no blame if he goes back and forth between the two. (For) whoever performs good (things) beyond what is required, then God is ever Responsive to gratitude, and He is All-Knowing.

Those who suppress and hide the truth and guidance that We (God) have revealed and explained to mankind using the divine revelations, they will be rejected by God and by those who are capable of sound judgment. But those who repent, correct themselves, and accept the truth, to them I will turn in forgiveness, since I am the Acceptor of Repentance and I am the God of Mercy.

Verses 161–164

Those who are bent on denying the truth and die as deniers of truth, they are the ones who will be rejected by ALLAH, by the angels, and by all people. They will stay in that state of rejection; their suffering will neither be lightened nor stopped. (Remember), your God is One God; there is no body other than Him worthy of worship, He is most Gracious and full of Mercy!

The creation of the heavens and the earth, the constant successions of the night and the day, the ships that travel by sea benefiting mankind, the rain that God sends down from the sky, giving life to things on earth after their death (withering), the spreading of all creatures (and vegetation), the (constant) changing of the wind, and the clouds following directed paths between the sky and the earth—these are signs for people who reflect, reason, and understand!

Verses 165–168

Yet there are people who take objects (or people) other than ALLAH for worship and they love them as they should love God. But those who truly believe have stronger love for God. Had the wrongdoers seen the retributions, they would have realized that power belongs to God in its entirety and that He is capable of serious retribution (for what evil they do). When those who were worshipped will renounce their worshippers and face the retribution, their (mutual) relationship will end and those who worshipped will say, “If we could but return, then we would renounce them as they had done.” This is how God will show them how their own actions will become a source of overwhelming remorse, and they will not escape the Fire.

Eat what is lawful (morally, ethically, and physically) and all that is good on this earth and do not follow the footsteps of Satan —he is an avowed adversary to you (mankind).

Verses 169–173

He (Satan) encourages you to commit evil and indecent actions and speak about ALLAH without (proper) knowledge. (For example), when they are asked, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “No, we follow only that which we found our forefathers believing in and doing.” (God’s reply) “Are you following them even if your forefathers had neither proper reasoning nor followed proper guidance?”

The parable of those who continue to deny the truth is like the call of the shepherd to the beasts, who hear nothing but a call or a cry. These people are deaf, dumb, and blind, lacking all senses and not thinking or reasoning.

People of Faith! Eat the good things that We (God) have provided for you, and give thanks to God if He is the one you truly serve. God has forbidden (haram) for you only animals that died of itself, blood, the flesh of swine, and those which were (slaughtered) with names other than God’s. But if one takes out of necessity and without willful neglect or without desire, then there is no sin on such individuals. God is Forgiving and Merciful.

Verses 174–177

Those who suppress (or alter) any revelations in the Books that ALLAH has revealed and exchange (falsify) for a small price, they are as if feeding fire into their stomachs. God will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will God purify (forgive) them. They will have grievous punishment. They trade in error instead of guidance and seek punishment instead of forgiveness. They seem to fear little the Fire that awaits them! Such a consequence is expected because God reveals the truth in the Book while those who disagree move too far in opposition.

Righteousness is not that you turn your face East or West, but the (truly) righteous are those who (1) believe in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Book (of Revelation), and the prophets, (2) give away wealth for the love of God to relatives, orphans, the needy, travelers, and those who seek help, (3) free people out of bondage (e.g., slavery, debt, imprisonment without cause, etc.), (4) maintain prayer, (5) pay Zakat (obligatory charity), (6) keep promises when they make promises, and (7) act with patience in times of distress, affliction, and conflict. These are the ones who are truthful and responsible (Muttaqun).

Verses 178–179

O Believers, just retribution is prescribed on you regarding the matter of killing—free for the free, slave for the slave, and female for the female (no substitution or excess). But if lesser punishment is acceptable to the heirs (grieving heirs in case of involuntary acts), the retribution can be reduced according to prevailing norms (agreed to by the community and put into practice) and executed in a good, honest manner.

This is an acceptable alleviation from your Sustainer and a (sign of His) mercy. Whoever then exceeds the limits after this will face serious consequences. The rule of just retribution is to sustain life and help you guard yourself. Try to be responsible if you understand!

Verses 180–182

It is mandated for you that at the time of approaching death, if you are going to leave behind (significant) wealth for parents and relatives, you should then make a bequest in a righteous manner—it is obligatory to the person who is consciously mindful and responsible (Muttaquin). If anyone changes it after hearing it (or changes a written document), then the sin is to the person who makes such a change, and ALLAH is full of Hearing and Knowing. But if one senses an incorrect or sinful action on the part of the testator and tries to facilitate an agreement between the parties, then there is no blame on the person (rather it is commendable), and God is always Forgiving and Merciful.

Verses 183–185

For People of Faith (Mo’men), fasting has been mandated as it was mandated for previous generations for a certain number of days so that one may become responsible (achieve Taqwa). But whoever is sick or is on a journey should make up that number of days later. Also, those who find it extremely difficult (to fast) can compensate by feeding a person in need (instead). Whoever does good work with deliberation, it is better, and you should know that fasting is good for you.

Ramadan is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed as guidance for mankind and as proof of the guidance (itself) as well as a means of differentiation (between good and evil; right and wrong). Therefore, whoever is present in (or witnesses) this month shall fast (during the month). (Again), if one is sick or is on a journey, one should fast an equal number of days (later). ALLAH wishes ease for you and not hardship. You should complete the number (of days of fasting) and glorify God’s Greatness for guiding you and as a means to thank God.

Verses 186–187

When my servants ask about Me, (Prophet) inform them that I am (always) near! I (always) respond to the call (or supplication) of those who call on Me. (So it is important) that they should hear My call and believe in Me so that they may be rightly guided.

It is acceptable for you to have sexual intimacy with your spouse during the night of the fasting. You are like garments for each other. ALLAH knows that you had acted unfairly among yourselves, so He turned to you in mercy and removed the hardship, making it acceptable to have intimate contact with your spouse (during the night) and (continue) to seek what God has commanded of you. Eat and drink till the whiteness of the day becomes visible from the darkness of the night at dawn, and then complete the fast until nightfall. Do not be in contact (sexually) with your spouse if you keep to the Mosque (during the last ten days of Ramadan). These are the guidelines of God, which you should not violate. In this way God makes His message clear to mankind so that they can become responsible (Yattaqun).

Verses 188–189

Do not grab the property of others by wrongful means nor seek access to judges so that you can gain (title to) the property of others wrongfully while you know!

They ask you about the new moon. Reply, “These are times appointed for (use by) mankind, including the time for Hajj.” It is of no righteousness that you enter the house through the back (door), but it is righteous that you develop a sense of proper responsibility (Attaqa) and enter the house through their (normal) doors. (Therefore), be mindful of your responsibilities (Attaqu) to God that you may be successful.

Verses 190–193

Fight (if need be) in the pursuit of ALLAH’s guidance against those who initiate fighting against you, but don’t be the aggressor—God does not love the aggressors. And fight them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. Also, do not fight them in the precinct of the Sacred Mosque unless they fight you there. But if they fight you (in it), then fight them back. This is the fitting reply to the disbelievers.

But if they stop, then (know that) God is Forgiving and Merciful (i.e., you ought to behave similarly). And continue fighting until there is no more oppression and God’s worship is allowed to flourish without hindrance. If they stop, there should be no more hostility, except (punishment) of the oppressors.

Verses 194–195

Fight during the sacred months if you are attacked, for the violation of sanctity is bound by the same law of just retribution. Whoever acts aggressively against you, you can retaliate only to the extent they have done harm to you, and be mindful of your responsibilities (Attaqu) to God (and mankind), and God supports those who are mindful of their duties (Muttaquin).

Expend in the service of ALLAH, and do not make your hand (by not giving) move you toward destruction. Persevere in doing (and being) good to others, and God loves the doers of good.

Verses 196–197

Perform the pilgrimage (Hajj) and the visitation (Umrah) for the sake of ALLAH, but if you are prevented, then use whatever offering is easy to obtain and do not shave your head until the offering reaches its destination (completion). Now, if one of you is sick or has an ailment of the head, then fasting, alms, or sacrifice will be acceptable (as a substitute). And when (if) you are secure, then combine the visitation (Umrah) with the pilgrimage (Hajj) and take whatever offering is easy to secure. But whoever cannot afford, he should fast for three days during the pilgrimage and for seven days upon his return—these ten days will complete (the offering). This exception is for those whose families do not reside in (the vicinity of) the Sacred Mosque (Ka’bah). Keep your duty to God (Attaqu) and be cognizant that God is capable of punishing severely.

The months of pilgrimage are well known. Then, whoever intends to perform Hajj in those months should refrain from (1) indecent speech, (2) abusing others, and (3) fighting (verbally or physically); God knows whenever you do any good. Take provision for yourselves while knowing that the best provision is your sense of responsibility (Taqwa). Therefore, be mindful of your duty to Me, O people with understanding!

Verses 198–202

It is not inappropriate to seek provision (e.g., profit from trade during Hajj) from the bounty of your Sustainer (Rabb). When you move on from Arafat, remember ALLAH (much) near the Holy Monument (Muzdalafah, the valley between Arafat and the Ka’bah) and appreciate God’s guidance to you because, before, you were steeped in error.

Then join the people (in the plain of Arafat) and ask for God’s forgiveness, since God is Forgiving, Merciful. When you have completed your rituals, remember God as you remember your forefathers, rather with a better remembrance.

There are people who say, “O Our Sustainer, give us (everything) in this world.” For them, there will be no portion in the Hereafter. But then there are others who say, “O Our Sustainer, grant us good in this world and grant us good (equally) in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of the Hellfire.” These are they who will have their portions in accordance with what they have worked for, as God is prompt in taking account (of what you do or deserve).

Verses 203-209

Remember ALLAH during the appointed days (three days in the valley of Mina, near Mecca, after the day of sacrifice). Then, whoever leaves in two days, he is not negligent, and whoever stays back, he has no blame, as long as you are mindful of your responsibilities (Attaqa). Keep your duty to God (Attaqu) and think about the fact that you will be gathered to God together.

There are people who please you with their eloquence about this world and swear by God as to their intent, yet they are (your) worst adversaries. They, when they get authority, make effort to cause mischief on the land and destroy man’s labor and their future. God does not love mischief!

When these people are advised, “Be careful of your duty to God,” their pride pushes them to sin. (For such people), Hell is sufficient, and it is an evil place to be in.

And there are people who willingly offer themselves to please (serve) God; God is compassionate to (such) servants. O people of Faith, surrender yourselves wholly to God and do not follow the Satan’s footsteps—he is a determined enemy (of mankind). If you fail after clear guidance has reached you, then you should know that God is ever Mighty and Wise!

Verses 210–213

Those who ignore ALLAH’s message—are they waiting for God to reveal Himself to them in the shadow of the clouds with angels, though by then all matters would have been settled? (Be reminded that) all matters return to God (for final arbitration).

Ask the children of Israel how many clear messages God had given them. Whoever fails to appreciate the favor of God after it is given to them, then God is serious in taking accountability. The life of this world is made attractive to those who lack faith, and they make fun of those who believe. But those who are responsibly faithful (attaqau) will be ahead on the Day of Resurrection. God rewards whomever God pleases beyond measure.

Mankind is (created) as a single nation! God sent prophets as messengers and warner, and revealed Books with truth for people to judge on matters in which they differed. Yet, people who were given the revelations (earlier) are the very people who disagreed, out of envy, when clear messages (the Qur’an) came to them. Truly, God guides by His will those who believe in the truth, refraining from the difference (unnecessarily). God guides whom God pleases to the Right Path.

Verses 214–215

Do you think you will have entry to Heaven while you have not faced (in the way of trial) something like what was faced by those who were before you? Difficulties and distresses descended on them to such an extent that they were terrified, and the prophets with their companions cried out, “When will God’s help come?” But surely ALLAH’s help is ever close at hand.

They ask you (Prophet Mohammad) as to what they should spend. (Say), “Good spending begins with parents, relatives, orphans, the needy, and (stranded) travelers.” Whatever good you do, God has full knowledge of it.

Verses 216–218

Fighting (for a just cause) is a must even if you dislike it. Perhaps you dislike a certain thing that is good for you while you may like something that is bad for you. ALLAH knows while you do not.

They ask you regarding fighting during the sacred month. Say, “Fighting during the month is a serious (offense), but restricting people from serving God, denying Him and the sacred mosque (its sanctity), and forcing people out of its premises are greater offenses.” (Persistent) persecution is worse than killing. They will not stop fighting you until they, if they can, turn you away from your way of life. (In that event), whoever of you turns away from his way of life (Islam) and then dies in that state of denial, these are the people whose work in this life and in the Hereafter will be worth nothing, and they will have company in the Hellfire where they will stay.

Those who believed left their homes (to maintain their faith and freedom) and struggled hard in following God’s way—they can hope for God’s mercy, and God is ever Forgiving, Merciful.

Verses 219–220

They (people) ask you (Prophet Mohammad) about intoxicants and games of chance (e.g., gambling). Say, “In both of them is great evil and some benefit for mankind, but their harm is far greater than their benefit.” They (further) ask you about what they should spend. Say, “Spend according to your ability.” Thus, God makes the messages clear for you so that you may reflect on this worldly life and the life in the Hereafter. They (also) ask you about the orphans. Say, “To help them with their (affairs) is good, and when you mix with them, treat them as your (own) sibling (brother or sister).” God knows who makes mischief (with orphans’ affairs) and who makes things right (for them). God could have made matters difficult for you if God had intended (so do not take advantage of them). Surely, God is Mighty and Wise!

Verses 221–222

Do not marry polytheist females until they believe (in God)—a believing maid is better than a polytheist (female) even though she (polytheist) may please you. (Similarly), do not marry polytheist males until they believe, and a believing servant is better than a polytheist male, even though he may please you. These (polytheists) draw you toward Hellfire while God invites you toward Heaven and forgiveness by His will. (In this way) He makes clear His messages to mankind so that they may become mindful!

They ask you about menstruation. Say, “It is hurtful and discomforting”. Therefore, have no sexual contact until the period is over. Once the period is over, have sexual contact according to God’s guidance. ALLAH loves those who follow God’s guidance and those who keep themselves clean.

Verses 223–224

Your wives are sources for reproduction, and you may engage (in sexual intimacy) whenever based on (mutual consent) and seek (goodness) before (such engagement) for yourselves. Keep your duty to ALLAH (attaqu) and know that (each one of) you will meet Him and that there will be good news for the believers.

Do not swear by God to stop from doing good and from discharging your responsibilities (to your wife) and making peace between people (couple). (Keep in mind that) God is (always) Hearing, Knowing.

Verses 225–226

ALLAH will not hold you responsible for what is trivial in your oath, but He will take account for what your heart earned (i.e., what you meant seriously), and God is Forgiving and Forbearing.

Those who swear that they will not engage in sex with their wives should wait four months; then if they go back (to a normal relationship), God is Forgiving, Merciful.

Verses 227–228

But if they agree to divorce, then God is Hearing, All-Knowing. The divorced women should wait three (menstrual) cycles (before remarrying). It is not appropriate for them to hide what God has created in their womb if they believe in God and the Last Day. If they wish reconciliation, then the husband has a better right to take them back during the waiting period (other than anyone else). And in a similar manner, women have similar rights and privileges as given to their husbands, though man has a higher obligation (dharazat) (see 4:34). God is Mighty and Wise.

Verses 229–230

A divorce pronouncement may be (revoked) twice, then (you may) either stay married with fairness and goodness to each other or dissolve (the marriage) based on fair treatment and goodness to each other. It is not proper for you (husband) to take back what has been given to her (or promised) unless you both fear that you cannot continue to fulfill the responsibilities (of marriage) as prescribed by God. (Similarly), she can give up her rights (if she so desires) to be free (from the marriage covenant) if you both fear that you cannot continue to fulfill the responsibilities (of marriage) as prescribed by ALLAH. These are God’s recommended modes of behavior (limits), and one should not violate them. Whoever violates these limits set by God are the wrongdoers. If he finally divorces her, she will not be lawful to him afterward until she marries another husband. If he (second husband) divorces her, there is no blame for them to remarry, if they are able (and willing) to conform to the limits (of marriage) prescribed by God. This is the guidance of God that God makes clear for people who wish to know.

Verse 231

If you divorce your wife and she is about to reach the end of the prescribed (waiting) period, then either continue the marriage in the spirit of goodness or allow her to leave with goodness. Do not force her to stay in marriage against her will to harm her—whoever behaves this way only harms his own soul. Do not take ALLAH’s message as a trivial matter. Reflect on God’ favor to you and God’s guidance to you though the revelations and wisdom (in the revelations). (Therefore), remain conscious of God, keep your duty to God (attaqu), and realize that God is aware of all things (that you do).

Verses 232–233

When you divorce your wife and she comes to the end of the terms, then do not prevent her from marrying another man if she does so with mutual agreement and in a lawful manner. In this way ALLAH admonishes those who believe in God and the Last Day. (This) is more beneficial and closer to purity (of life). And God knows (all affairs) while you do not know.

Mothers (divorced women) may suckle their child for two years, if mutually agreed to complete the time of suckling, and the maintenance and clothing for them (mother and the child) will be borne by the father according to (fair) standard. No soul shall be burdened beyond its capacity, neither a mother be made to suffer on account of her child nor a father on account of his child, and a similar duty falls on the (father’s) heir. But if both parties agree on weaning (earlier) and wish to engage a wet nurse (or other means), there is no blame if payments are made for such an arrangement (by the responsible party). Remain God conscious, keep your duty to God (attaqu), and be aware that God sees what you do.

Verses 234–235

Those of you (males) who die and leave your wives behind, your wives should wait for four months and ten days (to remarry). Once they reach (the end of) their term, you have no hand (they are free) in what they do in a lawful manner (e.g., remarry). God knows what you do.

It is also not improper for someone to ask indirectly (hint for marriage) of such widows or to keep the proposal concealed, but God knows that you have such thoughts about them in your mind. Do not give them a promise in secret but propose to them in a proper manner. Also, do not execute the marriage until the expiration of the waiting period. And God knows what you have in your mind (your true intent), and, therefore, be conscious of him and know that God is ever Forgiving, Forbearing.

Verses 236–238

It is not improper to divorce your wife (or your husband) if you have not touched (each other sexually) and no portion (dowry) has been agreed to. (Still), provide for her (your wife) according to your means, wealthy or strained, and it is a duty (to provide) on those who claim to be good (people). Now, if you divorce her (your wife) before you have touched her (engaged in sex), but you have appointed a portion (dowry), then pay half of what has been agreed to unless she forgoes, or he forgoes who holds the marriage bond (giver of dowry). And it is closer to act with grace (being dutiful) if you forgo (what is due to you). Indeed, ALLAH sees what you do.

Be ever mindful of your prayers. Pray in moderation and offer (prayer) with true humility (and sincerity).

Verses 239–240

If you are in danger, then (offer your prayer) on foot or horseback (i.e., where it is safe). Once you are secure, then remember ALLAH, since He has taught you what you did not know.

Those who die and leave their wives behind should make a bequest for their wives to (ensure) their maintenance for a year (as a minimum) without turning (them) out. After that, there is no blame on their wives for what they (choose to) do for themselves in a lawful manner. God is Mighty, Wise!

Verses 241–242

For the divorced women, appropriate provision is due. This is an obligation for those who are mindful of their responsibility (muttaquin). This is how ALLAH makes His messages clear to you so that you may understand (and learn to reason).

Verses 243–244

Have you reflected on those, thousands of them, who went out of their homes for fear of death? Then ALLAH said to them, “Die (be in despair),” and then He gave them life. Surely God is Gracious to people, but most of them are ungrateful!

And fight in the way of God and beware that God is Hearing, Knowing!

Verse 245

Who will give ALLAH a good gift that He will multiply back to him many times? God receives and increases (good deeds). To Him you (all) return.

Verses 246–247

Have you not reflected on the (quality) of the leaders of the children of Israel after Moses? When they said to one of their prophets, “Bring us a king so that we may fight in the cause of God,” he (Samuel) said, “Perhaps you will not fight when fighting will be required of you.” They said, “What reason is there for us not to fight when we have been deprived of our homes and our children?” (1 Sam. 8:19–20). But when the order to fight (finally) came, they did not participate, except a few of them. And ALLAH knows (well) the evildoers.

Their prophet said to them, “God has raised Talut (Saul) to be your king.” They protested, “How can he have a kingdom when we feel we have a better right to a kingdom than he because he does not have an abundance of wealth?” He (prophet) said, “God has exalted him above you by giving him abundance in knowledge and physical strength.” God grants His kingdom to whom He pleases. He is all Embracing, All-Knowing.

Verses 248–250

Their prophet said, “The sign of his (Saul’s) kingdom is that there will come to your heart tranquility (sakinah) from your Lord and the enduring (baquiah) heritage of Moses and Harun (Aaron), being borne by angels. In these there are signs should you intend to believe.”

When Saul set with his forces, he said, “ALLAH will try you with a river. Whoever drinks from it, he is not of my party, but whoever does not taste it or only scoops up a single handful belongs to me.” However, most drank from the river, except a few. So when he crossed it along with those who believed, the others said,

“Today we have no power against Jalut (Goliath) and his forces.” But those who were sure of their eventual meeting with God said, “How often a small party defeated a larger force by God’s will.” God is (always) with those who are patient (in adversity).

When they went out against Jalut (Goliath) and his forces, they prayed, “O Our Sustainer, pour upon us patience and make our feet (against the enemy) firm and help us against the denier of truth.”

Verses 251–252

So they fought (bravely) and put the enemy to flight by ALLAH’s permission. David killed Goliath. God granted David kingdom and wisdom and knowledge of things as God pleased. Were it not for God’s enabling people to defend themselves against others, the earth would have been full of corruption and chaos; thus, God shows His limitless Grace to the universe. These are the messages from God. We convey these to you in truth, and truly you (Mohammad) are one of the Messengers.

(Excerpt from Volume 1: Deciphering Faith without Ritual from Series – Removing the Middleman, by Rashed Hasan. Copyright by Author)

October 2024

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