51. Surah Adh-Dhariat(The Disperser)
The Disperser (Surah Al-Dhariyat)
(60 verses in total; two years before Hijrah/Makkah)
In the name of Allah, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!
The dispersers as they disperse
Picking up loads
Running their courses with ease!1
Those that regulate affairs
The promise to become reality
The judgement to be executed2 (v. 1-6)
The heavens with their pathways
While you differ in your opinions
One who turns away from it (message)
Why would you?
Shame on those who lie
Find themselves in an abyss, abandoned
They jest – when is this Day of Judgement?
It is a day when they will be put on trial by the fire!
Face the consequences
Something you wanted to quicken! (v. 7-14)
Those who acted responsibly
Find themselves in gardens and fountains
Taking in the gifts from God
Rewards for good work done before
They did sleep but little at night
Sought forgiveness at dawn
Assigned a portion of their wealth
For indigents and those deprived! (v. 15-19)
The earth contains evidence, if you have conviction
Even in your own existence – don’t you see?
The heavens hold sustenance and promises for you
The Sustainer of the heavens and the earth confirms the truth
Just as you hold your speech to be real! (v. 20-23)
Has the story of Abraham been related to you yet? They (angels) came to him and said, “Peace!” He replied, “Peace!”, and (said to himself) – these are strangers! He instructed his family for their hospitality and arranged the feast of a roasted calf. He placed the food before them and then said, “Will you not eat?” and became somewhat fearful of them. They replied, “Fear not!”, and gave him the good news of a son who will be gifted with knowledge. (Hearing this) his wife (Sarah) came out in grief, smiting her face and exclaimed, “I am an old barren woman!” They comforted her, “This is what your Sustainer God has decreed. God is Wise, Knowing!” (v. 24-30)
Abraham asked, “What is your message, O Messengers! They replied, “We had been sent to a community, already marked as guilty for their excesses, to punish them with stones of clay and to bring out any believers therein, but we found only one household devoted to God.” That place contains signs for those who wish to be mindful of painful consequences!3
(So are signs) (1) in Moses - We sent him to Pharaoh with manifest authority, but Pharaoh refused along with his compatriots and said, “This is a sorcerer or a madman!” Then We seized him and his army and throw them into the sea – he wronged himself!, (2) in A’d – on whom We sent destructive wind that consumed everything that came against it and turned them into pieces, (3) in Thamud – who were cautioned, “Enjoy for a short while”, but they defied the commandment of God and the blast overwhelmed them – they could see it coming but could neither move away nor find help!, (4) in the people of Noah before these – they were truly unjust! (v. 38-46)
(Other signs) (5) in the heavens that We made with Our power, and We are the maker of its vast expanse, (6) in the earth that We spread out and how excellent We are in making it level, and (7) in everything that We created in pair – that you may become mindful. Therefore, quicken your pace to Allah! I (Mohammad) am truly a warner to you from God! Do not set up another god with Allah. Again, I am truly a warner to you from God! (v. 47-51)
To the previous generations, there also came prophets who were labelled a sorcerer or a madman. Were they encouraging one another? They are indeed people who are rebellious! Ignore them and you have no blame (for their behavior). But continue to remind - such reminders are good for the believers! (v. 52-55)
I have created jinn and humankind for no other reasons than to serve Me. I desire no provisions from them, not do they need to feed Me! Allah is the true Provider of provisions – God of Power and Perpetual Strength! (v. 56-58)
The destiny of the evildoers is like the destiny of those were a party to them – so let them not seek to quicken the outcome. Woe to those who disbelieve because a day has been promised to them already! (v. 59-60)
1 One understanding is that it refers to wind and clouds that we all can see and ascertain. Another interpretation is more spiritual in nature as individuals receive message, disperse and convey to others.
2 Natural laws and agents of God such as angels and forces of nature.
3 At times I have translated “azab” as consequences rather than punishment just to make the point that all evils brings out evil consequences, as a natural order of things rather than an arbitrary punishment from God.