52. Surah At-Tur(The Disperser)
The Mountain (Surah AT-Tur)
(49 verses in total; revealed in Makkah, beginning of Middle Period – 7th year)
This chapter continues the themes from the last chapter by providing additional details about resurrection and the consequences that follows for good and evil.
Key themes in this chapter are as follows:
· The accountability in afterlife is as certain as what we see today with our own eyes – mountains, books, our residence, the sky, the ocean
· The disbelievers will see not just the world that will undergo radical change, but their own sense of reality will be changed as well
· Believers will have the company of family who believed as well, across generations
· The Prophet is asked to bear with patience and focus on glorifying God on waking up in the morning, at night and even in early hours before dawn.
In the name of God, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!
The Mountain!
Written book
On unfolded parchment!
The house frequently visited!
The elevated sky!
The swollen sea!
The accountability from God is sure to occur
There in none who can avoid! (v. 1-8)
It is a day
That puts heavens in a state of commotion
The mountains will float
Fleeing away!
Brings shame to the deniers
They used to amuse themselves with self-serving talks
Driving them towards the fire with torment! (v. 9-13)
“This is the fire that you denied
Are you delusional or do you really see?
Suffer in it
Bear with patience or without – the same!
A retribution for your own conduct.” (v. 14-16)
Those who acted responsibly (muttaquin)
They are in gardens, well pleased!
Pleased with what God has offered them
Grateful for being saved from the burning fire and its torment! (v. 17-18)
“Eat and drink with contentment
As rewards for your conduct
Reclining on couches set in rows
Joined by spouses pure and pleasing!” (v. 19-20)
Parents who believed
And their children who followed them in faith
God will unite them
None will be deprived the fruits of their work!
Every human being is bound by what it does! (v. 21)
We (God) provide for them fruits and meats as they wish
Cups with drinks passed from person to person
Drinks that lead to neither idle talk nor sinful acts!
Youths, like hidden pearls, wait on them (v. 22-24)
They approach one another inquiring
“We were concerned about our families in the past life
But God has been gracious!
Saved us from the intense heat!
We remembered God before!
God is Good – God of Mercy!” (v. 25-28)
Therefore, remind people (O Prophet)!
You are neither a magician nor a man possessed
Or do they assert, “A poet – let’s wait to see his fate.”
Reply, “I too wait with you all.” (v. 29-31)
Is it that they have poor understanding?
Or, they are simply arrogant? (v. 32)
They say, “He fabricated this!”
Really? They have no faith!
Why don't they then bring such revelations if they claim the truth?
Were they created out of nothing?
Or, they themselves are creators?
Did they create the heavens and the earth?
No, they lack certainty! (v. 33-36)
Do they own the treasure of God?
Or, have any control over?
Or a ladder to climb and eavesdrop?
Let them then bring a proof! (v. 37-38)
Does God have daughters?
And they have sons?1
Do you (Prophet) ask for any reward?
That they feel burdened with a debt?
Can they possess the knowledge of unseen?
That they can write them down? (v. 39-41)
Are they fetching a plot?
But the disbelievers get caught in their own plot! (v. 42)
Do they have a deity beside God, the Glorious?
God is above anything they associate! (v. 43)
If they were to see a portion of heavens comes down, they would say, “Clouds piling up” – so let them be until the Day of their reckoning when they will be thunderstruck, the day when their erstwhile pursuits will not save them, and they will not be rendered any help. For these who are unjust there are other consequences besides this Day but most of them are unaware. (v. 44-47)
Therefore, patiently wait the decision from God – you (Prophet) are under Our watchful eyes! Glorify your God with praises – when your rise! At nighttime too extend the glorious remembrance and when the stars fade away! (v. 48-49)
1This refers to the customs of the Arab tribes at the time of Prophet – these tribes would prefer sons over daughters while claiming that angels were God’s daughters. Preference of sons over daughters continues even to this day in many cultures, countries, in religions, including some Muslims as well.