53. Surah An-Najm(The Star)
The Star (Surah An-Najm)
(62 verses in total; revealed in Makkah)
This is one of the earlier but larger chapters attesting to the experience of the prophet at the time of his first encounter with revelation and Angel Gabriel in the cave of Hira. Some verses also make refences to his second divine interaction during the journey of Isra and Miraj where he was taken to the 7th Heaven in close proximity to God, even closer that what Angel Gabriel was permitted at that time. Those verses were revealed at a much later time before his departure for Medinah.
The key themes in this chapter are as follows:
The first revelation was an intimate and awe-inspiring experience, unlike any human experience where the Prophet came face to face with Arch Angel Gabriel
This experience was real, and the prophet was fully aware thought awe struck with the beginning of the revelation and initiation of this intimacy with the divine
His second direct encounter with the divine happened during Isra and Miraj where he was shown the Heavens and Hells and received instructions on our daily devotions (salat).
God is the creator and owner of this universe, including the earth that we inhibit and from which we are created and reproduced, the earth being a tiny part of the universe
We should be mindful of God and serve God rather than exploit others and fail to be grateful to God through denials and sinful conducts and pursuits
In the Name of God, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy
The star as it sets
Your companion (Prophet) has neither strayed, nor erred
Nor does he speak out of vain desires! (v. 1-3)
It is a revelation, revealed
Taught to him by one mighty in prowess1
Full of vigor
Stood on the highest horizon
And drew near, and nearer (to Prophet)
Almost within two bows’ length
Or even closer! (v. 4-9)
Thus, God revealed
To a servant (Prophet)
What was to be revealed
The heart (Prophet’s) was not deluded in what it saw!
Do you then dispute -as to what he saw? (v. 10-12)
He (Prophet) indeed saw him (Gabriel)
On another occasion
By the lote tree on the outskirts
Near the Garden of Restfulness
The lote tree covered with its shade
The eye neither failed, nor imagined
Saw some of the greatest artifacts of God! (v. 13-18)
Have you (Deniers!) accepted Lat and Uzza
And a third – Manat?2
Males for you and females for God (v. 19-21)
It is an allocation most outrageous! Nothing but names, invented by you and your forefathers with no authority from God – full of conjectures and vain desires. But guidance from your Cherisher God has now come to you! (v. 22-23)
Shall humankind have what it wants?
But it is God Who regulates the Hereafter and the former! (v. 24-25)
How many angels in heavens whose intercession will be of no use unless God allows such and for whom God is pleased with? It is the deniers of Hereafter who give angels female names, without any knowledge. This is nothing but guesswork, and guesswork cannot prevail over truth! So, avoid those who turn their backs to Our Reminder and pursue nothing but this earthly life. Such is their pursuit of knowledge, whereas your Cherisher God knows who strays from God’ guidance and who is rightly guided. (v. 26-30)
God’s is everything that exists in the heavens and on earth. God brings about the evils of those who do evils and goodness for those who do good - those who avoid great transgressions, indecent acts and may suffer from only minor lapses. Your Cherisher God is generous in Forgiveness! God knows when God extracted (created) you from the earth and when God reproduces you from your mother’s wombs. Therefore, do not assign greatness to yourself, God knows those who act responsibly. (v. 31-32)
Do you see who turns back?
He gives a little, and then withholds
Does he have knowledge of the Unseen that he is certain?
Or, has he not been informed what is already in the scripture given to Moses?
Or, knows the life of Abraham who fulfilled (his commitments)? (v. 33-37)
No bearer will bear the burden of another
Humankind can have nothing except what it strives for
Soon such striving will
You will be rewarded in due measures
To your Cherisher God is your destination! (v. 38-42)
God makes you laugh, God makes you weep
God causes your death, gives your life
God creates in pairs – male and female
From ovum where it is secured
God had ordained second coming (resurrection)(v. 43-47)
God is the One Who gives wealth and contentment
God is the Master of Sirius
God is the One who destroyed the first A’d
Took accounts from Thamud
And the people of Noah before
They were unjust and arrogant
God brought down cities
Overthrown and covered by itself!
Which benefits of your Cherisher God do you dispute? (v. 48-55)
This is a warning, like prior times
The imminent Hour is ever approaching
None but God can postpone it (v. 56-58)
Do you bemuse about this announcement?
You laugh but not weep
You sport, being oblivious
(whereas) you should bow down to God and serve! (v. 59-62)
1Possibly reference to Angel Gabriel who appeared before Prophet Mohammed with the first revelation
2Examples of pagan Arab’s deities at the time
3Muslim traditions call for a physical prostration (sujud) to God on reading such verses!