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Qur’an Chapters (Surahs) in Contemporary American English

54. Surah Al-Qamar(The Moon)

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   The Moon (<span style="color:hsl(0,75%,60%);"><i>Surah Al-Qamar</i></span>)
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   (55 verses in total; revealed in Makkah)
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   <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">[Recitation]</a>
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   This medium size chapter begins the narratives of various communities from the past who were warned and informed by various prophets from their respective communities but majority of them refused. The result was disastrous for them, except the believers who were saved and continued to practice faith and goodness until later generations fell back to old custom and forgot the message.
   Key themes in this chapter are as follows:
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           Communities of Noah, people of A’d, people of Thamud, community of Lot and People of Pharaoh were given guidance but failed to accept
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           Various punishments in the form of natural disaster were unleashed on them that resulted in their total destructions, some of the artifacts are still preserved such as Noah’s Ark, Pharaoh’s body who died during Exodus, etc.
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           This verse - We have made this Qur’an easy to take lessons from but are there people who are mindful? – have been repeated 4 times to emphasize importance of these historical lessons but also of the Qur’an itself which is full of reminders
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   <strong>In the Name of God, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!</strong>
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   The Hour approaches
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   &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; And the moon splits!<sup>1</sup> (v. 1)
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   &nbsp; &nbsp; Whenever they see a sign, they deny and say: “magnified enchantment”, giving lie and following their vain desires. But all matters are documented and there have come to them knowledge – deep insight and wisdom - that should deter; yet, it deters them not. (v. 2-5)
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   &nbsp; &nbsp; So (Prophet), turn away from them. (Let them contemplate) the day when the Summoner will summon them to a terrifying event – their gaze cast down, as they come out of the graves like scattered locusts – rushing towards the Summoner. The disbelievers on that day will say, “This is a day that will be difficult.” (v. 6-8)
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   &nbsp; &nbsp; Prior to these people, the community of Noah also denied – they rejected Our Servant (Noah) and called him mad and rebuked him. So he called upon his Cherisher God, “I am powerless. Help me!” So We (God) opened the gates of heaven with torrential rains and water gushing forth from springs on earth – water gathering according to a measure, for a defined purpose. We floated him on a boat made of planks and nails, moving on before Our eyes, as a reward for him who has been rejected! We also preserved it as a reminder, but is there anyone who minds? <strong>So how was My chastisement and My warning?</strong>
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   <strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; We have made this Qur’an easy to take lessons from but are there people who are mindful? (v. 9-17)</strong>
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   &nbsp; &nbsp;The community of Ad also denied – how was My chastisement and My warning? We sent over them violent wind on a day of terrible consequence – blowing people away as if the trunks of palm trees torn to pieces. So how was My chastisement and My warning?
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   <strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; We have made this Qur’an easy to take lessons from but are there people who are mindful? (v. 20-22)</strong>
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   &nbsp; &nbsp; The people of Thamud rejected the warning. They contended, “What! A lonely man among us! Shall we follow him? In that case we will be misguided and insane. How is it that only he among us has been given the reminder? He is but a great liar!
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   &nbsp; &nbsp; Tomorrow they will know who the liar is – as We send a she-camel to try them – so watch them (Prophet Salih) and be patient! Tell them that water should be shared between them and equitably proportioned. They called on their companion, who took (a sword) and hamstrung (the camel).
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   <strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;So how was My chastisement and My warning?</strong> We sent on them a single blast and they were like dry fragments that a fence maker collects.
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   <strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;We (God) have made the Qur’an easy to enlighten; would anyone take lessons?</strong> (v. 23-32)
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   The people of Lot denied the warnings. We sent against them a sandstorm, except the followers of Lot, whom We saved before dawn, as a favor from Us and as a reward to those who give thanks. He certainly warned them of Our firm grip, but they dismissed such warnings even as they tried to overpower his guests from him. So We blinded their sights and let them taste My chastisement and My warning – a chastisement that overtook them in the morning, the remnant of which still remains! Therefore, taste My chastisement and see the consequence of My warning!
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   <strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;We (God) have made the Qur’an easy to enlighten; would anyone take lessons?</strong> (v. 33-40)
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   Certainly, the warnings reached the people of Pharaoh, but they rejected all evidence. So We overtook them with the grip of Our Might, Our Overwhelming Power! Are you, as disbelievers, better than these or you have been guaranteed immunity from a scripture? They even assert, “We are a host united to help each other.” But soon the host will be defeated, and they will turn back and flee. The promised Hour is here, and this Hour is most disastrous and despairing! The wicked are in error and in distress as on the day when they will be dragged to the Fire with their faces down and told – “<strong>Taste the touch of Hell!</strong>” (v. 41-48)
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   &nbsp; &nbsp; Surely, We (God) have created everything with precision and purpose! Our command is but once and executed in the blink of an eye! We have destroyed the likes of you before – so is there anyone to pay heed? Everything they do is put in writing – everything large or small is written down.
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   &nbsp; &nbsp; Those who act responsibly are in gardens with rivers, secure in truth with the most Powerful Sovereign! (v. 49-55)
   <span style="font-size:15px;"><sup>1</sup>This is unique style of Arabic language when a past tense is used to denote a future event – to emphasize certainty and a forceful assertion about reality!</span>
   <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">[Recitation]</a>