55. Surah Ar-Rahman(The Beneficent God)
The Beneficent God (Surah Ar-Rahman)
(78 verses in total; Late Makkan)
This is a unique chapter in its construct where a particular verse – “Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny?” gets repeated 31 times as if to emphasize the point that being grateful and acknowledging God’s mercy and blessing is of utmost importance in being faithful and doing good.
Key themes in this chapter are as follows:
· God is the source of divine scripture, creation of human being and human capacity to understand and express
· The earth and the natural world are a source of wonder and a blessing from God for the benefit of mankind with provisions, resources and evidence
· God may permit our ability to explore the universes but within limits as granted by God
· The transformation of the heavens and the earth will initiate resurrection and day of judgement
· The deniers and evil people will face consequences due…
· …believers and good people will find ease, good company and abundance of blessings without the constraints and trials of prior earthly life
In the name of Allah, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!
The Beneficent1 God!
Who taught the Qur’an!2
Created humankind!
Taught them the power of expression! (v. 1-4)
The sun and the moon follow a prescribed path3
The stars and the trees submit4 to their design and purpose
The high heavens – God raised them!
God set harmony in nature
That you may not disturb such harmony
Maintain balance in society with equity and justice
Do no temper with or destroy the social balance!5 (v. 5-9)
The earth – God made it ready for its creatures!
Fruits and palms with protective sheaths!
Grains with husks and fragrant plants!
Which of God’s bounties can you both6 then deny? (v. 10-13)
God created humankind with dry clay, as earthen pot
And jinn with smokeless fire!
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 14-16)
God is the master of two Easts (rising)
God is the master of two Wests (setting)!
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 17-18)
God makes two bodies of water to flow freely, and then they meet
But there is a barrier – that they cannot cross!
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 19-21)
There come forth from them both pearls – large, small, brilliant!
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 22-23)
The ships that plough through high seas like mountain
God enables them!
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 24-25)
All that exist on this earth are impermanent
What truly endures is the presence of God – Glorious, Honorable!
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 26-28)
All that are in heavens and on earth depends on God
While God attends to affairs7 every moment!
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 29-30)
We shall soon transform you - two groups, indebted
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 31-32)
Jinn and humankind, if you wish to find passageways through heavens and earth
Do so; but cannot without authority from God
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 33-34)
A flash of fire and molten metal will be sent against you
And you will not prevail
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 35-36)
When the sky will crumble and turn crimson red
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 37-38)
On that Day neither humankind nor jinn needs to be asked about their guilts
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 39-40)
The guilty will already be known by their conducts
And seized by their necks and their feet8
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 41-42)
To face Hell which the guilty are in denials
They will go between and around fire and scalding water!
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 43-45)
Those who stand in awe of God
Will be rewarded with two gardens!
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 46-47)
Filled with lush vegetation!
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 48-49)
In them two flowing fountains
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 50-51)
Provisions in pairs of all kinds
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 52-53)
They will recline in their couches furnished with silk brocade
The fruits of the garden within reach!
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 54-55)
In the company of attractive mates
Untouched by humankind or jinn before
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 56-57)
As if rubies and pearls
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 58-59)
Should not the reward for goodness be goodness?
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 60-61)
Besides these there are two other gardens
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 62-63)
With hues of deepest green
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 64-65)
A pair of fountains gushing forth
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 66-67)
Abundance of fruits, palms and pomegranates
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 68-69)
Residents with goodness and beauty
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 70-71)
With mates pure waiting in pavilions
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 72-73)
Untouched by humankind or jinn before
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 74-75)
At ease on green cushions, amid beauty and wonders!
Which of God’s bounties can you both then deny? (v. 76-77)
Blessed is the Essence of your God – Majestic and Dignified! (v. 78)
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1 God's beneficence (Rahman) is pre-eminent in the creation of the natural world of which we are part of.
2 Root word for the Qur'an also implies reading and recitation – two modes of communication – to express our thoughts and actions and to preserve such expressions.
3 Bi-hussab implies accountability against what has been prescribed or inspired - see verse... come willingly or unwillingly...
4 Sajda implies prostration as in Muslim daily prayers, a willing act to submit or to follow the design and purpose of one’s being and existence.
5 Equity and justice are the natural balance of human society that should not be disturbed by acts of injustice and inequity.
6 Addressed to both humankind and jinn as understood in classical commentaries; another view could be both male and female.
7 As narrated in a Hadith, Prophet was asked about what God attends to, he replied, “forgiving a sin, removing a distress, elevating one group and humbling another”; this is in direct contrast to what is in Genesis where God takes rest on the seventh day.
8 See also verse 40:71-72.