56. Surah Al-Waqiah(The Event)
The Event (Surah Al-Waqiah)
(96 verses in total; revealed in Makkah, beginning of Middle Period – 7th year)
This poetic chapter is punctuated with very direct evidence and narratives of how people will be sorted in according with their belief and action in the life to come.
Key themes in this chapter are as follows:
The event to begin resurrection will upend the normal order of things – both in nature and in human societies
People will be sorted in three groups – (1) a group that is ahead of everyone, (2) a group to the right, and (3) a group to the left.
The advanced group will be the most accomplished – majority of whom will come from earlier generations and few from later generations
The group on the right will be comprised of people coming from all generations evenly
The group on the left are those who denied and did evil – in all generations
In the name of God, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!
When the event comes to pass
There is no denying of this event
Abasing (some) and exalting (others)
The earth will be shaken to its core
The mountains will crumble
Scattered as dust (v. 1-6)
Humankind will be sorted in three groups
Those on the right side
How (magnificent) are those on the right side!
Those on the left hand
How (retched) are those on the left side!
Those ahead of all – they are the most advanced! (v. 7-10)
Drawn closer to God
Residing in the blessed Garden
Majority coming from the earlier generations
A few from the later generations
Reclining in couches well woven
Facing one another
Served by eternal youth
In glasses, flagons, and cups of pure drinks
Causing neither headache nor intoxicate
Any fruits to choose from
Fresh flesh of any birds
Beautiful companions – like hidden pearls
They experience no vanity or sinful discourse
But greetings of “Peace”, and peaceful dwelling! (v. 11-26)
Those on the right side – what about them?
Dwelling among thornless lot trees
Clustered banana leaves
Providing shades all around
Fountains gushing forth
Fruits abundant
Neither restricted nor forbidden
Created into a new creation
Chaste, loving and matching of age
For those on the right side
A multitude from the past generations
A multitude from the latter generations (v. 27-40)
Now those on the left side – what about them?
Hot air and scalding water
Fumes of black smoke
Neither cool nor refreshing
In their past life
They indulged in luxury
Persisted on evil pursuits
Said, “When we die
Become dust and bones
Shall we be raised to life?
How about our forefathers?”
Reply, “You will be gathered
At a time already appointed
On a day already assigned.”
Those who strayed and denied
Will eat from the tree of Zuqqum
Filling their bellies
Drink scalding water
Drinking like a thirsty camel
This will be their welcome and entertainment
On the day of reckoning! (v. 41-56)
We (God) created you
Why don’t you accept?
See what you emit (to form ovum)?
Did you create them?
Or, are We the Creator?
We prescribed death for you all
Nothing can prevent us
If We were to change your current state
To a new growth that you have no knowledge of!
You witness you first growth (birth)
Then why not mind (the next)! (v. 57-62)
Reflect on the seed
Do you grow it?
Or, We cause its growth?
If We please
We can make it chaff
Then you will lament – “we are debt ridden, deprived!”
Look at your water
Do you bring it down from clouds?
Or, is it We who bring it down!
If We please
We can make it salty
How can you not be thankful?
Feel the fire you kindle
Is it you that produce the wood?
Or, are We the Producer?
It is reminder from Us and a benefit
Those who travel in the desert!
Therefore, glorify the essence of God, the Great! (v. 63-74)
I swear by the varying positions of the stars!
It is an oath significant enough, if you knew!
This Qur’an is magnificent!
A Book well protected!
Not touched except by those who are pure and clean!
Revelations coming from the God of the Universe!
Is this the announcement that you scorn at?
And make your denial a source of your livelihood? (v. 75-82)
Why not then
When it (death) comes up to your throat
You know it is time
We are nearer to you than you are to yourself
But you can’t see!
Why not send back death?
If you are not under our command
If you speak the truth! (v. 83-87)
Now therefore,
If you are the one who is drawn to God and nearer
For you is happiness, abundance, and the blessed Garden!
If you are the one on the right side
For you is Peace!
From others who are on the right side
If you are one of the deniers, doing evils
You will have the taste of scalding water and a burning abyss! (v. 88-94)
This is the certainty that comes from truth (haqqul yaqin)
Therefore, glorify the essence of God, the Great! (v. 95-96)
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