60. Surah Al-Mumtahinah(The Woman Questioned)
Woman Who is Examined (Surah Al-Mumtahanah)
(13 verses; revealed between 6th and 7th years of Hijra)
In the Name of Allah, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!
O Believers! Do not take My enemy and your enemy as allies. How can you offer them friendship when they deny the truth that has come to you, they drove out the Messenger and you as well simply because you believe in Allah, your Sustainer. If you have come forth to strive (jihad) in My Way and to seek My Pleasure, would you befriend them in secret? I know what you conceal and what you expose. Therefore, whoever does this, he is indeed straying from the Path. (v. 1)
If they overpower you, they will be your enemy. They will stretch their hands and tongues towards you with evils and they wish that you also disbelieve. Your blood relationships and your children1 will be no use on the Day of Resurrection – God will differentiate between you. Allah sees what you do! (v. 2-3)
There is for you a beautiful example in Abraham and his followers when they said to their community, “We have separated from you and what you worship besides Allah! We forsake your practices. Enmity and hatred have risen between you and us and will continue until you believe in Allah alone”, except Abraham’s wish for his father, “I will ask forgiveness for you, though I control nothing for you from Allah. O Our Sustainer! On You we rely, to You we turn and to You is our coming back. Our Sustainer! Do not allow us to be an object of trial (mistreatment) from the disbelievers! Forgive us O our Sustainer! You are Mighty, You are Wise!” Again, there is good example for you in them, if you have yearning for Allah and the Afterlife. But if you turn away, then Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praised! (v. 4-6)
It is possible that Allah will establish good relations between you and your enemies. Allah is Capable! Allah is Forgiving, Endower of Mercy! Allah does not forbid such relations with those who fight you not in religion, nor drive you out from your homes; you should show kindness and deal with them justly! Allah’s prohibition regarding friendship is only towards who fight you in your religion, expel you from your homes and help others in such expulsions. If you make such people your friends, then are a participant in wrongdoing! (v. 7-9)
O Believers! When a faithful woman comes to you (seeking protection), assess their condition. Allah knows best their faith. If you find them to be faithful, then do not send them back to the disbelievers! Neither these (faithful women) are lawful for them (their disbelieving husbands), nor are such (disbelieving) men for these (faithful) women! Give them back what they had spent2 and there is no blame if wish to marry them after you pay the marriage dues (maher). Do not hold onto your marriage with disbelieving women! You (may) ask for what you had spent, and they can ask for what they had spent. This is a judgement from Allah – He judges between you – Allah is the Most Informed Judge! (v. 10)
If any whose wife had gone back to their disbelieving relatives and when your opportunity arrives (as a community) compensate such3 for what they had spent for their wives and act responsibly regarding Allah Whom you all believe in! (v. 11)
(Prophet) when they (believing women) pledge to you that they - (1) will not assign partners to Allah, (2) will not steal, (3) will not commit adultery, (4) will not kill their children4, (5) will not fabricate lies regarding their hands and feet5, (6) will not disobey you (Prophet) in anything that is good – then accept their pledges and seek Allah’s forgiveness for them. Allah is Forgiving, Endower of Mercy! (v. 12)
O Believers! Do not take a community as friend when Allah is displeased with them – they are in despair about the Hereafter6, just as the disbelievers are in despair about the inhabitants in graves! (v. 13)
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1 This is apparently in response to a Muslim in Madinah – Hatib Bin Abi Balta’a – who had family and property in Makkah. He secretly sent a message to the Makkan regarding plans made by the Prophet and the message was intercepted. When asked to explain his behavior, he said he did it to protect his family and property.
2 This could have wider meanings – compensate the women for debt or expense they incurred from fleeing, or pay or return to their husband any marriage gifts.
3 Since there is no guarantee that the disbelievers will compensate a Muslim man for his marriage gift, while the Muslims are required to pay back marriage gifts for Muslim women.
4 What does it say about abortion? – common understanding at the time was related to burying female children alive or abandoning children for poverty.
5 Common interpretation of this phrase is not lie about who the father is but I prefer wider connotation of what we do with our hands and feet.
6 Supposedly refers to the Jews in Madinah who denied or lightened the consequence of the Hereafter while the Makkah (as disbelievers) did not think that those in graves will ever rise.