62. Surah Al- Zumu'ah(The Congregation)
The Congregation (Surah Al-Jumuah)
(11 verses in total, Revealed in Madinah – possibly first year of Hijrah)
In the name of ALLAH, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!
All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allah – the Sovereign, the Holy, the Mighty, the Wise! – Who raised a Prophet among a people who are illiterate, reciting for them the messages, purifying them, and teaching them the Book and wisdom. Though in the past they were in clear misguidance – they and others among them yet to join. God is Mighty, Wise! This is a grace from Allah granting it to whom He pleases! Allah’s grace is immense! (v. 1-4)
Those who were entrusted with the Torah but did not follow it are like an ass that carry books. Evil are the people who reject the message of Allah! Allah does not like people who are unjust! Say, “O Jewish People, if you think that you are favored by Allah to the exclusion of other people, then invoke death to prove that your claim is true.” But they will never invoke death for fear of what they have done in the past. Allah knows the unjust. Say, “The death from which you desire to flee will overtake you and you will be sent back to the Knower of Unseen and Seen – God will then inform you of what you did.” (v. 5-8)
O Believers! When you are called to prayer on Friday, harken to remember Allah and leave your daily occupation. It is better for you if you knew! But once the prayer is complete, disperse in the land, seek bounty from Allah and remember Allah much so that you may be successful! Say (Prophet) to them who when they see entertainment or merchandise to trade, they break away and leave you standing (in prayer), “What is with Allah is better than entertainment and merchandise. Allah is the best of Providers!” (v. 9-11)
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