63. Surah Al-Munafiqun(The Hypocrites)
The Hypocrites (Surah Al-Munafiqun)
(11 verses in total, Revealed in Madinah – possibly 3rd year of Hijrah)
In the name of ALLAH, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!
When the hypocrites come to you, they say, “We bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah.” Allah knows that you are His Messenger. Allah also bear witness that the hypocrites are liars! They hide under their oaths and turn people away from Allah’s path – evil is what they do! It is because they disbelieved after having faith and their hearts became sealed such that they fail to understand. (v. 1-3)
If you see them, their appearances please you and when they speak, you find their speech worth listening to. But they are like a stick of wood, clad with garments – an enemy to you, so beware! May Allah destroy them – how they turn back! If they are urged, “Come! Allah’s Messenger will seek forgiveness for you – they turn their heads and continue provoking others – filled with arrogance and pride! Therefore, it is the same whether you ask forgiveness for them or not, Allah will never forgive them. Allah does not guide corrupt people (fasiqin)! (v. 4-6)
These are the ones who say, “Do not support those who are with the Messenger so that they may abandon him,” but the treasures of the heavens and the earth belong to Allah, while they perceive not. They also say, “When we return to Madinah, those who are powerful will drive out those who are weak,” but power and might belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers. But the hypocrites do not know! (v. 7-8)
O Believers! Do not let your wealth and your children distract you from the remembrance of Allah. Whoever does that will become a loser! Spend from what We (God) had given you before death comes to one of you and you say, “Our Sustainer! Why did You not give me more time so that I could have given in charity and become one of those who do good deeds?” But Allah does not give respite to a soul once its term is due. Allah is fully Aware of what you do! (v. 9-11)
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