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Qur’an Chapters (Surahs) in Contemporary American English

64. Surah At-Taghabun(The Loss of Bargaining)

Loss of Bargaining (Surah Al-Taghabun)

(18 verses in total, Revealed in Madinah – 3rd year of Hijrah)


In the name of Allah, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!

Everything that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allah – His are the dominions and His are the praises! He possesses power over all things! He it is Who created you all – but some of you are disbelievers while others are believers. Allah sees everything that you do!  He created the heavens and the earth for a purpose and shaped you with a construct for goodness. To God is the ultimate return! (v. 1-3)

            God knows what is in the heavens and the earth and what on hides or expresses.  Allah is the Knower of the secrets of the hearts! (v. 4)

            Have you not heard the narratives of those of the past who disbelieved? They faced the evils of their conduct, and a painful consequence awaits them. This is because when their messengers came to them with revealing arguments, they said, “Will a mortal guide us?”.  They denied and turned away while Allah is above all needs.  Allah indeed is Self-Sufficient, Praised! The disbelievers think that they will not be resurrected. Say (Prophet), “Yes indeed, by my Sustainer God, you will be resurrected.  You will then be informed of what you did; that is easy for Allah!” (v. 5-7)

            Therefore, believe in Allah, His Messenger and the Light (noori) by which God reveals. The Day when Allah will gather them all – a Day of Gathering, a Day of No Bargaining! Whoever believes in Allah and do good, He will remove their evils and grant them entry into Gardens with flowing streams – to live there forever, a great achievement! Whereas those who disbelieved and rejected Our Messages, they will be the residents of the Fire – to live there, what an evil place to live! (v. 8-10)

            No calamity ever falls except with Allah’s permission. Whoever believe in Allah, He guides their hearts. Allah is Ever Aware of all things!  Obey Allah and obey the Messenger but if you reject, then our Messenger is only entrusted to deliver the message clearly that there is no god but Allah.  Let the believers rely on Allah! (v.11-13)

            O Believers! Among your spouses and your children, there are enemies of you;1 so beware! But if you overlook their offences, forbear and forgive, then you will find Allah Forgiving, Merciful! Your wealth and your children are only a trial but with Allah is the grand reward! Therefore, be mindful of your duty to Allah as much as you are capable – hear, obey and spend – it is better for your souls.  Whoever refrain from the meanness of their souls are truly successful.  If you set aside a good portion for Allah, Allah will double it for you and forgive you.  Allah is Thankful, Forbearing, Knower of the unseen and seen, Mighty, and Wise! (v. 14-18)

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1 This was in the context of some early Muslims whose families where encouraging them not to migrate or struggles in God’s way for fear of their personal safety and loss of wealth 
