65. Surah At-Talaq(Divorce)
The Victory (Surah Al-Fath)
(29 verses - revealed in Madinah, middle period)
(Possibly immediately after Hudaibiyah treating in 6/628 as the Prophet was returning from Makkah)
In the Name of Allah, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!
We (God) have paved the path for you that leads to a clear victory1; that We may forgive some of your prior shortcomings and those yet to come; that God may shower His blessings to you and guide you to the Right Path; that Allah may assist you with a Mighty Help! (v. 1-3)
It was God Who sent down tranquility (sakinah) into the hearts of believers that they might increase in faith and Allah’s hosts are in both the heavens and the earth. Allah is Ever Aware, Wise! That God may make believing men and believing women to enter the Garden (Jannah) with flowing streams to reside in and to separate them from their evils – this is a grand achievement! That God may chastise hypocritical men and women, polytheistic men and women – those who entertain evils thoughts about Allah. The turn of evil is on them and Allah rejects them and prepares for them the Hellfire (Jahannam), an evil of a resort! (Again) Allah’s hosts are in both the heavens and the earth and Allah is Ever Aware, Wise! (v. 4-7)
We have indeed sent you (Prophet) as a witness, a giver of good news and as a warner – that you (Muslims) may achieve faith in Allah and His Messenger, may aid him and respect him and may glorify God – morning and evening! Indeed, those who swore allegiance to you (Prophet), in effect swear allegiance to Allah. The Hand of Allah is above their hands. Therefore, those who break (this covenant) do so only to cause injury to their souls but those who honor the covenant with Allah, He will offer a grand reward! (v. 8-10)
The desert Arabs who did not join, they say, “We were busy with our family and our property – do ask for forgiveness for us!” They say things with their tongues that is not what is in their hearts. Tell them, “Is there anyone to intervene, if Allah intends for you any harm or good? Allah surely knows what you do!” You thought that the Messenger and the believers will never come back alive - that thought pleased your hearts and that was an evil thought! You are a community that is corrupt and devoid of any good! Whoever deny Allah and His Messenger – for such deniers We has prepared a blazing fire! (v. 11-13)
The dominion of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah – He may forgive as He pleases or chastise as He please, but Allah is Ever Forgiving, Merciful! (v14)
(Again) those who did not join will say, “When you go forth to gain (war booty), allow us to join.” They are trying to change what Allah think of them. Tell them, “You are not allowed to follow us – that is what Allah meant!” But they will counter, “Are you jealous of us?” – they do not understand at all! Tell them, “Soon you will be asked to join a fight against a powerful people until they submit. If you join us then, Allah will grant you a good reward, but if you turn back as you did before, then God will chastise you severely!” But there is no blame for the blind, the lame, or those who are sick. Those who obey Allah and His Messenger, Allah will make them enter Gardens with flowing rivers, but whoever refuse, God will chastise them severely! (v. 15-17)
Allah was indeed satisfied with the believers when they took allegiance to you under the tree – God knew the condition of their hearts, gave them tranquility, and granted them an imminent triumph! There are more gains to come – Allah is Mighty, Wise! Allah is promising you more success that you will achieve. God had accelerated this triumph for you and held back the harm from your enemies – as a sign for the believers and that God may guide you to the Straight Path! There are other successes that you have not achieved yet, but these are all within Allah’s purview – Allah is Ever Powerful over all things! (v. 18-21)
If the disbelievers were to fight you, they will be defeated – they will find no help or protection. This has been Allah’s practice and you will not find a change in such practices! (v. 22-23)
It is God Who held back the hands of the enemy from you and your hands from them in the valley of Makkah and gave you victory over them.2 Allah is Ever a Seer over what you do! Yes, they (Makkan) proved their disbelief, prevented you from the Sacred Mosque and the offerings to reach their stated destination but you were unaware that there were believing men and women among them (Makkan) and if you had harmed those believers without knowledge, something terrible may have afflicted you for your conduct – It is Allah Who wishes to admit you to His Mercy as He sees fit! If they were separated, then God would have inflicted chastisement on those who disbelieved – a chastisement that is severe! (v. 24-25)
The disbelievers had harbored intense hatred in their hearts – hatred of ignorance, while Allah blessed His Messenger and the believers with tranquility and enabled them to keep their commitment (to non-violence) – they were worthy of it and entitled to it! Allah knows everything! (v. 26)
Allah had fulfilled the vision of His Messenger – you will certainly enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah wills, in security, with your heads shaven or hair cut short and without fear. God knows while you do not, and God assigned another victory3 before this. It is God Who had sent His Messenger with guidance and with the True Faith so that God may make it prevail over all other religions. Allah alone is sufficient to bear witness (to this)! (v. 27-28)
Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah; those with him are firm in their stance against the disbelievers while being compassionate among themselves. You see them bowing down, prostrating, seeking Allah’s grace and pleasure! They bear marks on their countenance because of their submission – a description also found in the Torah as well as in the Gospel. They are like seed-produce that germinates, sprouts out, strengthens and becomes strong, standing firm on its stem, delighting the sowers and Allah enrages the disbelievers on their account. Allah has promised such of them as believe and do good forgiveness and a great reward! (v. 29)
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1 The treaty of Hudaibiyyah in March 628 CE is the context of this revelation – when a group of 1400 Muslims went to Makkah with an intent to perform Umrah (see note)
2 This is in reference to the detachment of 80 armed Makkah who defined their leadership and attacked the Muslim pilgrims prior to Hudaibiyyah treaty
3 Battle of Khaibar after the Hudaibiyyah treaty and before the fulfilment of the vision to perform Hajj the following year