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Section I: Early Makkan Chapters (610 – 615 CE)

Chapter 90 - 16

The City (Surah Al-Balad)

(20 verses in total; revealed in early Makkan period)


This early chapter calls for people to attest to the gift of life and its capabilities and to use such capabilities to do right by themselves and for others.

Key themes in this chapter are as follows:

  • We are blessed and gifted in so many ways – parents, a livable planet, our sight, our ability to communicate as referenced in this chapter
  • Yet the deniers feel we are accountable to none and do not have strive for the noble pursuits in life
  • Some of these pursuits must be social equity and justice for all and not just self interest or accumulation of material gains
  • Those who believe, do good by exercising patience and empathy are on the right side while those who deny the guidance are on the wrong side

In the Name of God, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!

I (God) swear by this city

             A city from which you (Prophet) will be made free!

                          By parents and their offspring! (v. 1-3)

We (God) created human beings to undergo trials and exertions

             Yet they think no one has power over them

They say, “I have squandered much wealth”

             Yet they think no one sees them (v. 4-7)

                          Did We not give each of them two eyes?

                                       And a tongue and two lips?

                                                    And articulated two clear choices (good and evil)?

Yet they make no attempt for the steep hill! (v. 8-11)

How will you know what this steep climb is?

             It is to free a slave

             Feed on a day of hunger

                          An orphan nearby

                          A poor person

                                       Covered in dust (v.10-16)

Those who respond with faith

             Inspire one another for patience

                          Inspire one another for compassion

These are the people on the right-hand side

Then there are those who deny Our guidance

             These are the people on the wrong side

                          Fire encircles them! (v.17-20)
