Chapter 59 - 100
The Gathering (Surah Al-Hashr)
(24 verses, 4th year of Hijra)
In the name of Allah, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!
Everything that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Allah – The Mighty, The Wise! (v. 1)
It is God Who caused the disbelievers from among the People of the Book to leave their homes in the instance of the first gathering (of forces)1. You thought they would not leave while they thought their fortress will protect them against Allah. But Allah came to them from a place they least expected and cast fear into their hearts such that they demolished their homes with their own hands and (what remained) by the hand of the believers. Therefore, take lessons if you have eyes! If it had not been decreed from Allah about this exile, they would have been chastised (in other ways) in this life, and in the life to come they will have the chastisement of the Fire! Such consequence is due to their opposition to Allah and His Messenger. Whoever opposes Allah will find Allah severe in retribution! (v. 2-4)
Whether you cut down the palm trees or leave them standing, it is Allah’s permission; He will humiliate the mischief makers! Whatever Allah restored for His Messenger without any battle from your part by engaging horses and camels, it is because Allah gives authority to His Messenger as He sees fit. Allah is indeed powerful over all things! Whatever (of property) that has been restored to the Messenger, it is for Allah and His Messenger2, the kins, the orphans, the needy, the travelers and not to be taken in turns by the wealthy among you. Whatever the Messenger gives you, accept and whatever he forbids, remain aloof (without grudge). Be responsible to Allah (attaqa) – Allah is indeed severe in retribution! (v. 6-7)
It is for the poor immigrants who fled, were driven from their homes and possessions while they sought to please Allah and find His blessings and helped Allah and His Messenger. They remain true (sadiqun) (to their faith) – while those who had made their residence in the city (i.e., Ansar (helpers) of Madinah) and achieved faith already, they find in their hearts no need for what is given (to the former) and give immigrants preference over themselves, though they may be stricken with poverty themselves. Whoever are saved from the niggardliness of their souls, they attain true success! (v. 8-9)
These who came afterward (in faith)3 say, “Our Sustainer, forgive us and our fellow believers who have precedence over us in faith and leave no trace of spite in our hearts for those who believe. Our Cherisher, surely You are Compassionate, Endower of Mercy!” (v. 10)
Have you not seen (the behavior of) the hypocrite? They say to their compatriot from among the People of the Book, “If you are expelled, we will go with you and we will never obey anyone regarding you. If you fight against, we will support you.” Allah bears witness that they are liars! If they are expelled, they will not go with them and if they are fought against, they will not help. Even if they do, they will fail them – in the end they will not be helped. You (believers) incite more fear in their hearts than from Allah – that is because they are a people who do not comprehend! (v. 11-13)
They will not fight you as united except in fortified towns or behind protective walls. They have intense internal discord – you think they are united, but their hearts are divided. This is because they are a people who do not understand! Just like their predecessors, they will soon face the evil consequences of their conducts – a chastisement severe! They are like the Devil when he whispers to people, “Disbelieve” but when they do so, he says, “I have nothing to do with you. I fear Allah – the Sustainer of the Universe!” Therefore, in the end they are both find themselves dwelling in the fire – a reward for those who do wrong! (v. 14-17)
O Believers! Be mindful of Allah (attaqu) and let every soul consider what it sends forth for the future. Be mindful of Allah – Allah knows what you do! Do not be like those who forget Allah and then Allah makes them forget their own souls. This is the real transgression! The companions of the Fire and the companions of the Garden cannot be alike. The dwellers in the Garden are the real achievers! (v. 18-20)
If We (God) had sent down the Qur’an on a mountain top, the mountain will tremble and break apart for fear of Allah. This is a parable to make you reflect! This is Allah besides Whom there is no other god – the Knower of what is Hidden and what is Seen, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy! This is Allah besides Whom there is no other god - The Sovereign, the Holy, the Source of Peace, the Faithful, the Protector, the Mighty, the Compeller, the Possessor of Greatness! Allah is above any partners they assign. This is Allah – the Creator, the Originator, the Shaper! His are the Most Sublime Attributes! Everything in the heavens and the earth glorifies God. God is Mighty, Wise! (v. 21-24)
Copyright © 2023
1 Refers to the banishment of the tribe of Bani Nadr after the battle of Uhud, after which they aligned with the people of Makkah, despite a treaty with the Prophet.
2 Anything designated to Allah and His Prophet are for common good and social investment
3 This relates to relationship between Ansar (helpers in Madinah) and the Muhajirins (immigrants from Makkah) or one generation of Muslims to an earlier generation that co-exists or one group of believers to another, as it should be!