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Section V: Middle Madinan Chapters (627 – 630 CE)

Chapter 58 - 101

The Women Who Dispute (Surah Al-Mujadilah)

(22 verses – revealed between 4th and 5th year of Hijrah in Madinah)


In the Name of Allah, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!

Allah had indeed heard the woman who disputed with you (Prophet) regarding her husband1 and her plea to Allah. Allah indeed hears both of your contentions, as Allah is Hearing, Seeing! (v. 1)

            Those of you (men) who resort to zihar2 against your wives, your wives are not your mothers.  Nobody is your mother except who gave you birth. What they say is hateful and a lie! But Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving!  Those who invoke zihar on their wives and wish to go back on their words should free a captive before they can resume contacts. You are being advised to do this and Allah is aware of what you do. (v. 2-3)

            But if you do not have the means, then fast for two consecutive months, before you can touch each other. But if you are unable, then feed sixty needy people. Such guidance is for you to demonstrate your faith in Allah and His Messenger.  These are limits3 set by Allah; whereas if you disbelieve, there is serious consequences! Those who oppose Allah and His Messenger will be brought low just like those before them who were humbled.  For the disbelievers, there is humiliating consequence!  It is the Day when Allah will raise them together and inform them of their conducts.  Allah records their deeds while they forget!  Allah witnesses all things! (v. 4-6)

            Do you not comprehend that Allah knows everything that is in the heavens and the earth?  There is no secret counsel of thee where God is not the fourth, or of five where God is not the sixth, or less or more where God is not present wherever they may be. God will inform them what they did on the Day of Resurrection!  Allah is the Knower of all things! Do you see them who are forbidden to hold secret counsel that they return to what they are forbidden from?  They hold counsel in secret for sin, hostility and disobedience to the messenger. When they come to you (Prophet), they greet you with words that Allah does not use to greet you and then say to themselves, “Why does not Allah punish us for what we say?” Hell is sufficient for them – they will burn in, an evil destination! (v. 7-8)

            O Believers! When you confer in private, do not give each other instigation for sin, hostility or disobedience to the messenger but give mutual counsel for goodness (ber’re) and responsible behavior (taqwa).  Be mindful (attaqu) of Allah Who will gather you all. Secret counsels come from the Shaitan who wish to cause grief to the believers, but he cannot hurt them without Allah’s permission.  Believers should rely on Allah! (v. 9-10)

            O Believers! When you are asked to make room in your assemblies, do make room. Allah will make room for you. When you are asked to rise, do rise.  Allah will elevate you, by degrees, who achieve faith and who are given knowledge. Allah is Aware of what you do! (v. 11)

            O Believers! When you wish to seek counsel from the Prophet, offer something of charity before such consultation.  It is better for you, and it purifies (your intention)! But if you do not have the means, then Allah is Ever Forgiving, Merciful! If you do not do so and Allah has relented, then worry not but maintain your worship (salat), share your wealth (zakat) and always obey Allah and His Messenger.  Allah is fully Aware of what you do! (v. 12-13)

            Have you seen those who makes friends with those with whom Allah is displeased? These people are neither of you nor of them.  They swear with falsehood while they know!  Allah will bring about severe consequences for them – it is pure evil what they do! They seek shelter under their (false) oath and push people away from Allah’s guidance. They will face a humiliating consequence. Neither their wealth nor their children will give them protection from Allah – they will have company in the Fire, a place to be confined! (v. 14-17)

            On the Day that Allah will resurrect them, they will swear as they swear to you now and they think they will have some excuses. Unfortunately, they just lie!  It is the Shaitan who has gained mastery over them and makes them forget the remembrance of Allah.  They are the party of the Devil and the Devil’s party can never be successful! Those who opposed Allah and His Messenger, they will be humiliated! Allah had already prescribed, “I shall prevail – Me and My Messengers!”  Allah is Powerful, Mighty! (v. 18-21)

            You will not find a community who believe in Allah and the Hereafter loving those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they be their fathers, sons, brothers or relatives.  These are the people in who hearts Allah has impressed faith and strengthen them with a Spirit (ruh) from Himself!  He will make them enter the Garden with flowing streams – Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him!  These are the Party of Allah – the Party Allah attains success! (v. 22)

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1 This is understood to be Khawlah bint Thalabah whose husband invoked a pagan rite (known as zihar) to deprive her rights as a wife but short of divorcing her. The Prophet gave his opinion in favor the husband while she persisted on her position and made a plea to God, being unmoved by Prophet’s opinion. 

2 Zihar is pronounced when a men says to his wife – you are to me like the back of my mother. In the Muslim community the pronouncement of Talaq, as it is practiced in many parts of the world today but not implied as such in the Qur’an, shows the remnant of this pagan practice and needs to be revisited to improve treatment of Muslim women. It is a right of women and men to divorce and to be divorced but not a tool for abuse as is common with many Muslim men. 

3 “Hudud” implies guiderails set for believers, as distinct from “amr” or injunction such as to worship, to struggle, to give zakat 
