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Section I: Early Makkan Chapters (610 – 615 CE)

Chapter 68-2 [Surah Al-Qalam]


Pen (Surah Al-Qalam

(52 verses in total; revealed in early Makkan Period) 


While I have placed this as the second chapter in order of revelation, given its theme around the pen and opposition to the prophet for his mission, it is generally accepted that the first seven verses in Chapter 74 (placed as third in the chronological order) are the second set of verses revealed after the first five verses in Chapter 96. This current surah swears by the Pen, which is a tool to capture sublime knowledge from God, from nature, and from our own ever-growing effort to seek and acquire knowledge. 


Key themes in this chapter are: 

  • Contrary to false assertions, the Prophet is of sound mind and sublime character 
  • Pride and arrogance results in calamity and humiliation in the end 
  • This Qur’an is the (final) reminder for all people 

In the Name of God, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy! 


         The Pen

                        That which they write! (v. 1)

 You are not, by the grace of your Sustainer, a mad person.

               Your reward, too, is never to be removed.

                        Surely, you have a sublime character.

                                 You will see and so will they – who is truly mad amongst you. (v.2-6)


Your Sustainer is the One who knows best of those that deviate from God’s Way; God is fully aware of those who are rightly guided. Therefore, do not obey the deniers. (v. 7-8)

The deniers wish that you accommodate and compromise with them. In exchange they too presume to accommodate you. Never comply with such deceitful swearers who defame, slander, and hinder what is good. They are exceedingly sinful, contemptible, and mischievous. All of that because of wealth and followers. When Our messages are presented to them, they mock, saying, “Tales of the ancient.” We shall brand them for what they are! (v. 9-16)

We shall subject them to trials like we did to those (proud) owners of the garden. They were confident in collecting the fruits in the morning and refused to set aside a share (for others). While they slept, an agency of God paid a visit to their garden, and it became charred black. They called on one another in the morning, “Let’s go early and collect our fruits of labor.” As they went, they spoke to one another in a hushed voice, “No needy person will be allowed to come and partake today!” They went early and were confident of their power and control. (v. 17-25)

Once they came upon the garden, they exclaimed, “Surely, we are mistaken; no, we are ruined.” The most conscientious of them said, “Did I not say to you, ‘why don’t you give thanks?’” They then acknowledged, “Glory be to our Sustainer! We are indeed in the wrong.” Then some of them approached laying blame to one another. Finally, they said, “Shame on us, for being rebellious. May our Cherisher God give us something better; it is to our Sustainer that we now supplicate.” (v. 26-32)

Such is the consequence! The Hereafter would bring greater consequences – only if they knew! Those who act responsibly will have a garden of bliss. (v. 32-33)


 Are We (God) going to treat those who submit like those who are guilty?  

              What is the matter with you? 

                           How do you judge? 

 Or do you have a book that you read 

              That allows you to do whatever you choose? 

 Or do you have a covenant from Us (God) executed on oath 

              Extending to the day of resurrection 

                           That judgment belongs to you as you please (v. 34-39) 

 Ask them – who, among them, will vouch for this 

              Or they claim to have partners to God? 

                          Then bring these supposed partners if you speak the truth 

              They will be called on to prostrate 

                          But they won’t be able to do so 

 Their eyes downcast 

              Overcome by humiliation 

 Yet, they were called upon to submit 

              While they were safe! (v. 40-43) 

 (O Prophet) leave Me (God) alone with him 

              He who rejects this announcement 

                           We (God) shall overtake him by small increments 

                                        That he will not perceive 

 I (God) bear with patience 

              My plan is firm (and will be executed)! 

 Is it that you ask for a reward? 

              That puts a burden on them 

 Or is it that they have access to the Unseen 

              And transcribe (such knowledge)? (v. 44-47) 

 (Therefore) bear patiently 

              God’s judgment will come 

 Don’t behave like the one (Jonah) 

              Who cried out in distress 

 Had a favor from his Sustainer God not reached him 

              He would have been cast aside, on a barren shore, full of blame 

 But his Sustainer cherished him 

              And established him among the righteous (v. 48-50) 

 These deniers would almost strike you 

              With their disdainful eyes 

                           As they hear this revelation 

                                        And exclaim, “He is mad!” 

 Yet, it is nothing other than the Reminder (Zikrun) for all nations! (v. 51-52) 

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