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MyLLife Digest: January 2024

As 2023 comes to an end heralding the beginning of a new year, mind becomes reflective and retrospective – something we should do every now and then to recalibrate ourselves, reassess, and realign our social, political, economic, moral, and spiritual norms...

Death is the ultimate equalizer – some would say, it removes the sources that we use to differentiate one another – wealth, fame, power, race, ethnicity, intellect, gender, etc., as we lower the dead into the earth and cover up those differences.  We leave the gravesite despondent, wary about the transient nature of life and temporal existence on this earth...

In an article in Yoga Journal, Muslim yogis noted that there are many parallels between yoga and Islam. Both practices involve prayer, meditation, and ritual fasting.  Another article from Al-Madina suggests that the prayer of Islam, called salat, is the highest form of yoga...

In the intricacies of global economics, both countries and corporations play pivotal roles, contributing distinctive threads to the world's economic and financial tapestry. This briefing opens the curtain a bit on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of nations and the Market Capitalization (Market Cap) of corporations, giving insights into their influence, ethical considerations, and power dynamics and raising the questions of accountability and responsibility to global citizens and the planet...

My name is Deven Grant and I am a rising junior from North Smithfield, Rhode Island. I attend Howard University where I study political science as my major and philosophy as my minor. This summer I interned in the office of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse...