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MyLLife Digest: July 2023

Qur'an & Hadith Reflections

Religious plurality is enshrined in the US Constitution, though the debate is razing on, eked in by far-right who give religion a bad name by misinterpreting faith and their bigotry while far left makes their lack of faith as fanatical as those with fanatic faith. The Qur’an codified religious plurality as a formal doctrine in the seventh century – here are two sample of verses to ponder on for those of us who follows the middle road:

1. An affirmation that all religious scriptures came from the same One God and that people of faith should take lessons from all such scriptures.

2. Faith in God and in Human goodness are fundamentally more important than religious labels.

These are taken from Rashed Hasan’s “Removing the Middleman" Series, Volume 1: Deciphering Faith without Rituals. This book is available from Amazon for print and on Kindle.