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MyLLife Digest: July 2024

Qur'an & Hadith Reflections

For many Americans and for Muslim Americans in particular the continuing genocide in Gaza and US complicity in it and the looming election choices between Biden and Trump have created deep anxiety and mistrust of the values that defines our American as well as European democracies.  The double standard and the hypocrisy are on full display and the continuing presence of Trump on the election campaign with support from evangelical Christians and pro-Israel lobbyists are very troubling to many.

As we reflect on these events continuing to unfold, we are reminded of verses in the Qur’an that expose such corrupt nature of human beings across time, religion, and societies.  Perhaps we will take a read and amend our ways at all levels of our civil discourse and actions.

There are people who say, “We believe in God and the Day of Judgment,” but this is a false claim. They attempt to deceive God and those who have faith, but they deceive none but themselves, and they are unable to perceive. They have a disease in their hearts, and God has increased the intensity of that disease as a form of severe punishment since they make false claims.

When they are advised not to make mischief on earth, they say, “We are peacemakers!” Now, they are the mischief-makers, but they seem not to perceive themselves as such. When they are advised to believe as other people believe, they say, “Shall we believe in the manner of the fools?” Now, they are the real fools, but they do not seem to understand it as such. When they meet people of faith, they say, “We believe like you,” but when they are alone with their evil companions, they say, “We are with you; we were just mocking (the others).” God will pay them back for their mockery by letting them continue to wander in their blind rebellion. These people buy error instead of guidance, and their bargain brings them no profit.  They are not properly guided. (2:8-16)