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MyLLife Digest: June 2024

Weapons of mass destruction by Iraq was a false narrative used by President George Bush’s (Bush junior), his discredited VP, Dick Chaney and combative Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld to invade Iraq.  It was a narrative that even the Secretary of State, Collin Powel fell victim to.  Truth has one form while lies take on a thousand shades...

Every now and then we must step back and ask the basic question – who we are, why we are here and what purpose do we serve.  Answers come from the scriptures, from philosophers, from Sufis, and from nature, if we reflect enough and often...

The Blue Zones Project initiative is based on decades of research by National Geographic Fellow and New York Times best-selling author Dan Buettner who has identified five cultures across the globe, called the Blue Zones, with high concentrations of people who live to age 100 or older...

The oil and gas industry remains a crucial part of the global economy, powering homes, businesses, and transportation. Despite the push towards renewable energy, oil and gas continue to be indispensable. However, the sector faces increasing pressure to reduce its environmental impact and improve sustainability practices...