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MyLLife Scholar Reflection - Maryum Elnasseh

Maryum, a member of our MyLLife Scholars 2023 Cohort, shared her Summer internship experience with us:

My name is Maryum Elnasseh, and I'm a rising 2L at NYU Law. Before law school, I studied journalism and political science at Virginia Commonwealth University and then worked at In These Times, an independent magazine dedicated to advancing movements for justice. This summer, I am interning at Reprieve, an international human rights organization focused on the death penalty, indefinite detention without trial, renditions, and extrajudicial killings. I am really excited to be a part of the MyLLife cohort this year and to engage deeper with the intersections of faith and public service (public interest law, in my case). I'm a first-generation law student and the daughter of immigrants, so I am also particularly happy to learn of MyLLife's focus on supporting students like me. The MyLLife scholarship will enable me to actually travel this summer to meet and get to work with my Reprieve team in person, and I am very grateful for that opportunity.

Thank you, Maryum, for sharing your experience!