Welcome to our first Monthly MyLLife Digest – a newsletter launched to inform, inspire, and engage you with MyLLife. We are a non-profit focused on faith and good work, inspired by this constant theme in the Qur’an – “Those who believe (amanu) and do good works (a’milo swalihat) are the best of creations” (98:7), and verses such as – “Let there be among Our (God’s) Creation a community that seeks the truth and establish justice with such truth.” (7:181). Our hope is to build and nurture a community of faithful and those who wish to do good (even without faith) to strive to build a better and just society for all.
The Qur’an, as we already know is the last in a series of revelations (scriptures) that includes the Torah and the Bible, a scripture that reaffirm similar messages in the Torah and the Bible. It defines for humanity a collective vision and purpose - to serve God and to be good to one another. While different religions prescribe rituals and rules for different religious communities, God encourages each of these religious communities to share in our common faith in One God and to collaborate in our collective effort to be a responsible steward of our lives and our planet.
We engage in three key programs – (1) a purpose driven weekly forum to discuss, debate and understand faith, religion, purpose of life using the Qur’an as a sources for guidance that is open to all, (2) offer scholarships to young college students to explore public service careers through summer internship at federal, state and local levels, (3) highlight economic and social injustice where businesses & public policy can play a key role using data and information since commerce and trade is fundamental to human economic and social development.
We hope that you enjoy this monthly newsletter and give us your feedback. We also hope that you join in our programs and activities and contribute contents for this newsletter.