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Qur'an & Hadith Reflections

Death is the ultimate equalizer – some would say, it removes the sources that we use to differentiate one another – wealth, fame, power, race, ethnicity, intellect, gender, etc., as we lower the dead into the earth and cover up those differences.  We leave the gravesite despondent, wary about the transient nature of life and temporal existence on this earth. “To God we belong and to God is our return” is the singular chant of a faithful when he or she hears of the death of a fellow human being.

Death as the gateway to a second life is an essential element of faith in the Qur’an and is described in ways that are distinct from other scriptures. Here are some examples: “God alone oversees the creation; God sends over heavenly hosts as guardians, until when death is ordained for someone, our messengers cause death and fail none” (Q6:61);  “It is God Who grants life and dispenses death and God sees what you do” (Q3:156); “Every soul will taste death and will be brought back to God.” (Q29:57); “…after resurrection you will be compensated fully – if you are saved from the fire and given access to the garden, that is the real triumph; the life of this world is fleeting, full of vanity!” (Q3:185).

"It is God Who created you – why don’t you believe? See what you release (eggs and sperms) – do you create them, or God? God prescribed death for everyone, and nothings prevents God from creating anew. You witness reproduction routinely – why don’t you reflect? Consider the seed you put in the ground – do you make them grow or God? If God will, the harvest may fail – then you will wail, I am ruined and in debt! Consider the water from the cloud – do you bring the water or God? If God willed, the water could be unsuitable to drink – will you be thankful? Consider the fire you lit – is it you who made the wood (that sustains the fire) or God? (Perhaps) you should glorify God, the Supreme!” (Q56:57)

We will continue in the next issue while we all ponder over these verses on life and death over the holidays!