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Cosmic Dance

“There is nothing to do. I release every expectation and every illusion of security. I trust in the wisdom of uncertainty and in the evolution of my willingness. I experience the joy, spontaneity, and miracle of life right here where I am. I know there are infinite possibilities awaiting me and every blessing returns to me multiplied. For this I give thanks in advance. And So it is." - Unknown

As we strive in this human life it is meaningful to see what is meaningful indeed. We can live in wisdom and dance with life or be in abyss of perpetual agony. As a psychiatrist I hear human stories of our collective life journey daily and notice patterns of sunshine or empty darkness. No one wishes to be in pain and suffering but we often find ourselves in such states over the course of our life. Clarity in making wise choices dawns over time in a unique manner to us individually.

Let’s trace the origin and current biological use of two elements: Iodine and Gold. Cosmically like other heavy elements, iodine is thought to have been formed through the rapid neutron capture process, formerly believed to have occurred primarily in supernovas but now mostly in collisions of neutron stars with other neutrons stars or black holes. Such events occurring long before the formation of the Solar system seeded the primordial nebula with heavy elements. Trace amounts of iodine are required by the human body. Iodine is part of thyroxin, a hormone produced by the thyroid gland that controls the body's rate of physical and mental development. A lack of iodine can also cause a goiter, a swelling of the thyroid gland. Without Iodine and thus the manufacturing of the essential thyroid hormone we are unable live in this human body.

Gold the heavy element was formed in the heart of stars. Through nuclear fusion, the elements were fused together under intense heat and pressure. But the creation of very heavy elements such as gold requires an even more extreme event: the explosion of a supernova. Gold has no known biological role and is non-toxic.

Both heavy elements have a role to play on the earth, one critical for aliveness and other glitter and honored by the kings for valuable asset. Yet gold has no real role for our biological existence. Our attachment to gold however proves to be lethal.

This human body as carriage of our soul is useful for a unique purpose and possible achievement of glorious wisdom or can be stuck in the glitters of life. Fears and anguish about this pure life is dust of the stars without any value but unique to life experiment as designed by Divine.

Understanding our story and purpose of life gives insights to human role on this earth. I suggest we become playful, thankful and cultivate a state of perpetual gratitude to this cosmic dance of existence in this remarkable universe. Watch the birds fly and winds blow through the meadows, walk on the earth barefoot and sit in stillness to cultivate nothingness as valuable tools of inner peace and awareness. May all beings find themselves.