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Section I: Early Makkan Chapters (610 – 615 CE)

Chapter 111 - 13

Twisted Strand (Surah Al-Masad)

(5 verses in total; revealed in early Makkan period)


One of the shortest chapters is directed to an adversary of the Prophet, a person also related to the Prophet as a half-brother of his father. Adding the name of Abu Lahab and mentioning of his wife in this chapter serves as a warning to those who deny God and opposed the prophet unjustifiably during his life. This also applies to future generations who oppose truth and justice and treat good people unjustly.

Key themes in this short chapter are as follows:

  • Prediction about the destruction of Abu Lahab and his wife
  • The nature of the death of his wife – strangulation by the basket she used to collection and carry thorns to harm the prophet
  • Abu Lahab’s destiny to a fire that resembles his name – a fitting juxtaposition of his fiery nature/opposition to Islam and the fiery fire of hell that consumes everything in it.

In the Name of God, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!

Let the hands of Abu Lahab perish!1

           He too will perish!

                    Neither his wealth nor his earnings will be of any use!

                              He will suffer in fire that bears his name

          So too will be his wife – carrier of firewood2

                    Around her neck with a strand of twisted fibers! (v. 1-5)


1This sura is in response to “tabbat Yadak” (may your hands perish) uttered by Prophet’s uncle (Abu Lahab as he was known) who was a staunch opponent to the Prophet and his message during his days in Makkah

2This aunt of the Prophet (Abu Lahab’s wife) was also very hostile to the Prophet and used to spread thorny branches along the path of the Prophet to cause him much grief, like her husband
