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Section I: Early Makkan Chapters (610 – 615 CE)

Chapter 97 - 17

The Glory (Surah Al-Qadr)

(5 verses in total; revealed in Makkah)


Another short revelation drawing attention to the magnificence of the night when the Qur’an was first revealed - a night that was transformational for the Prophet, initiated him to prophethood and caused instant turmoil in his life until he could sort out the implications and the enormity of the responsibility he was to assume. For the believers, this is a night of peace, blessing and a cause for celebration each year during the month of Ramadan.

Key themes are as follows:

  • The night of the first revelation (first 5 verses in chapter 96) was grand and full of blessing for the Prophet and for the believers in all generations to come

  • This night and its blessing are enshrined in each Ramadan, extending an invite to all believers to devote themselves to God as a show of gratitude

  • The devotion in this night (during the last 10 nights of Ramadan) is made equivalent to devotion over 1000 months (83 years) – almost a lifetime

  • God is offering repeated opportunities to seek and secure such blessing as a bounty from God year after year for being grateful and following the guidance contained in the revelations

In the Name of God, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!

Indeed, We (God) revealed it (the Qur’an)

              During the Night of Glory!1

What will make you comprehend

              What this Night of Glory is? (v. 1-2)

The Night of Glory

              Better than a thousand months!

                            When the angels and the spirits descend

                                          With permission from the Cherisher God

                                                        Attending to all affairs (as tasked) (v. 3-4) 


              A proclamation till the appearance of daylight! (v. 5)

1The “qadr” can also be interpreted as destiny or determination where affairs are settled, or outcomes are established. Given such an interpretations, many Muslim believe that once a year during this night of Qadr, angels and spirits are instructed by God to allocate and establish each person’s earning, pursuits and conducts as deemed appropriate by God as God knows the past and the future of everyone and everything, all being written in a book well preserved, as attested by many other verses in the Qur’an in later revelations.
