Chapter 99 - 79
The Convulsion (Surah Al-Zilzal)
(8 verses in total; two years before Hijrah/Makkah)
In the name of Allah, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!
When the earth shakes with severe convulsions
When the earth expels its burdens
When humankind panics – “what is the matter with it?” (v. 1-3)
On that Day the earth will tell its story
As inspired to it by your Cherisher God! (v. 4-5)
On that Day the humankind will come froth (from graves)
In diverse groups to witness their lifelong pursuits (v. 6)
Whoever had done even an atom worth of good, will see it
Whoever had done even an atom worth of evil, will see it (v. 7-8)