Chapter 33 - 104
The Allies (Surah Al-Ahzab)
(73 verses - revealed in Madinah - middle period of after Hijrah 4th year during battle of the trenches)
In the Name of Allah, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!
O Prophet! Be mindful (attaqi) of Allah and do not follow (tutiy’i) the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Allah is Aware, Wise! Follow what has been revealed to you from your Sustainer. Allah is fully aware of all that you do! Have trust in Allah! Allah is sufficient to rely on! (v. 1-3)
Allah has not made any person with two hearts, or that your wives become your mothers by pronouncement (zihar) or whom you assert (adopted sons) to be your sons. These are assumptions expressed by your mouth, but Allah speaks the truth and shows you the way. Call them by their biological fathers – that is more equitable with Allah. If their fathers are not known to you, then consider them a brother in faith and a friend. Whatever mistakes were made (in the past) you have no blame, but what your hearts propose (do matter)! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful! (v. 4-5)
The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves and his wives are like their mothers! Blood relations are closer to one another, more so than other believers and those who migrated but you do good to your friends, nonetheless. There are prescribed in the Book! When We (God) took a covenant from (earlier) prophets and from you and from Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, son of Mary – those were solemn covenants. God will question the sincerity of those covenants! God has prepared severe consequences for the deniers! (v. 6-8)
O Believers! Remember the favor that Allah brought when an army came against you - We (God) sent a violent storm and forces that you could not see. Allah is Ever a Watcher over your actions! They came from all directions such that your eyes could not focus (out of fear) and your hearts became deeply disturbed and you began to have doubts about Allah – this was a trial for the believers when they were shaken with internal turmoil and further aggravated by the hypocrites and those whose hearts had sickness in them as they said, “Allah and His Messenger did not promise us (any victory) but a deception!” (v. 9-12)
A party of them even said, “O people of Yathrib!1 You cannot withstand this onslaught – give up your resistance, while another party came to the Prophet and said, “Our houses are open to attack”, while these were not – only to run away. If the enemy were to make a breach in the city and asked them to join the fight (against the Muslims) they would have done so without much hesitation, whereas they had made a covenant with Allah that they will not renege – a covenant with Allah must be answered for! Tell them (Prophet), “Even if you avoid death or slaughter by running away, your relief would be temporary – who can protect you against Allah if He intends to bring harm on you or show you mercy?” They will not find a protector or a helper for themselves other than Allah. (v. 13-17)
Allah knows who among you discourage others and who say to their fellow hypocrites, “join us instead” – they will not join except with reluctance and are not committed to you (Prophet) at all. When they are fearful, you see their eyes rolling over as if death is on them, but when that fear is gone, you see them smite you with sharp tongue and show no goodness. They truly lack faith and Allah makes their work useless – a task easy for Allah! They think the enemy is still around and if they were to attack again, they would rather be in the deserts, among the Bedouins, seeking news about the Muslims. Even if they were around, they will hardly fight with you. (v. 18-20)
Those who are inclined to Allah, the Hereafter and are constantly mindful of Allah find in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example (to follow). When these believers saw the enemy converge, they said, “This is what Allah and His Messenger promised us; Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth.” The unfolding event only added to their faith and commitment! There are people among the believers who remained faithful to the covenant with Allah – some of them have already sacrificed themselves while others wait their turns – they have shown unwavering commitment! This is how Allah rewards the truthful for their trust and punish the hypocrites if He wills or show forgiveness – Allah is Ever Forgiving, Merciful! (v. 21-24)
Allah turned the disbelievers around filled with rage – they gained nothing! Allah is sufficient for the believers in their fights. Allah is Ever Strong, Mighty! It is God who drove the People of the Book2 out, those who backed the enemy from their fortresses – God caste terror in their hearts enabling you to kill some while taking other as captives. God made you to inherit their lands and their dwellings and (in future) lands you are yet to traverse. Allah is Ever Powerful over all things! (v. 25-27)
O Prophet, say to your wives, “If you desire this world’s life and its finery, I will give you what you desire and let you leave me in a good manner but if you desire Allah, His Messenger and the destiny of the Afterlife, then know that Allah has already prepared a reward matching the good work that you do.” (Says Allah), “O wives of the Prophet, if any of you engage in open and improper conducts, you will have double the punishment. It is easy for Allah. But if you are faithful to Allah and His Messenger and do good, then Allah will double the rewards and prepare for you an honorable provision. You are not like any other women. If you act responsibly, speak in a manner that does not encourage men who have sickness in their hearts, but speak good words, stay in your homes, do not display your beauty like ignorant women of the past, keep up daily prayers, offer zakat and follow Allah and His Messenger – all these are for you such that Allah may cleanse you as the household of the Prophet, and offer you a purification that is worthy of who you are. Remind yourselves of the recitations in your houses that come from Allah and the wisdom contained in them. Allah is Subtle, Ever Aware! (v. 29-34)
Indeed, for Muslim men and women, believing men and women, devout men and women, truthful men and women, patient men and women, humble men and women, charitable men and women, fasting men and women, chaste men and women, and men and women who keep Allah in their remembrance much – Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a grand reward! (v. 35)
It is not permissible for believing men and women to have differing positions regarding a decision after Allah and His Messenger has decided on an affair. Those who disobey Allah and His Messenger, that is evidence enough for deviation (from guidance)! (v36)
When you (Prophet) said to him (Ziad)3 whom Allah had blessed and whom you (Prophet) had shown favor, “Keep your wife in marriage and be mindful of Allah”, you concealed a thought in your heart that Allah was to bring to open. You were concerned about what people might say while it is Allah Who has a greater right to be paid attention to. When Zaid divorced her (Jainab)4, God gave her to you as a wife. This was to remove any constraint that believers might feel about the wives of their adopted son once such marriage tie is dissolved. Allah’s command is always carried out! There is no restriction for the Prophet in what Allah obligates him to do – a practice that Allah has allowed with those who lived before. The command of Allah is made absolute – on those who deliver the messages of Allah, are mindful and hold Allah in awe! Allah is sufficient to take accounts! (v. 37-39)
Mohammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Last of all prophets! Allah knows all things! (v. 40)
O Believers! Remember Allah much and glorify Him each morning and evening! God is the One Who sends blessings on you and so does the angels, so that God may bring you out of darkness into the light. God is Ever Merciful to the believers! Their greetings on the Day of the Meeting with God will be – “Peace (salamun)!” God has prepared for them an honorable reward! (v. 41-44)
O Prophet! Indeed, We had sent you (1) to bear witness, (2) to give good news, (3) to warn, (4) to invite to Allah by His permission, and (5) to serve as a luminous lamp! Give the believers good news that Allah will give them enormous grace! Do not give in to the disbelievers and the hypocrites, ignore their insults and harmful conducts and rely on Allah. Allah is sufficient as a Protector! (v. 45-48)
O Believers! If you marry a believing woman and then divorce before having any intimate contacts, then there is no waiting period that you need to satisfy but make provisions for them and let them go free in a good manner! (v. 49)
O Prophet! We (God) have made it permissible for you (1) your wives whom you had given marriage gift, (2) those in your possession resulting from being prisoners of war, (3) the daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, your maternal uncles and aunts who had immigrated with you, and (5) any believing woman who wish to marry you and you are so inclined – this provision is for you specifically and not for the believers. We know what We have ordained regarding their wives and those whom they possess so that there is no blame come to you. Allah is Ever Forgiving, Merciful!
You may disincline to whomever you may and incline to whomever you may and if you incline to whomever you had disinclined before, you are permitted and it is preferred so that they may find comfort and not grieve, while they should be pleased, all of them, whatever you offer them; Allah certainly knows what is in your hearts! Allah is Ever Knowing, and Clement! No woman is permitted to you after this nor can you exchange your wives with them, even if you are attracted to them, except those who are in your possession. Allah is Ever Watchful over all things! (v. 50-52)
O Believers! Do not come the house of the Prophet unless permission is given for a meal and don’t come early to wait while meal is being prepared. Come when you are invited and once the meal is finished disperse, and not wait to listen in conversations. This makes the Prophet uncomfortable, but he forbears, while Allah does not shy away from the truth. When you ask for something from his household (wives), do so from behind a curtain. This is good for your heart and for their hearts. It is inappropriate for you to make the Prophet uncomfortable and to marry his wives after him ever! This is outrageous in the sight of Allah! Whether you do a thing openly or in secret, Allah is Ever Aware of all things! (v. 53-54)
But this does not apply to those who are related to the wives of the Prophet – their fathers, sons, brothers, brother’s sons, sister’s sons or their own women folk or whom they possess. Keep your duty to Allah – Allah is Ever a Witness to all things!
Indeed, Allah and the angels bless the Prophet; therefore, O Blievers! Invoke blessing for the Prophet and greet him with a greeting of peace! (v. 55-56)
Anyone who insults and annoys Allah and His Prophet, Allah has cursed them in this life and in the Hereafter and prepared for them a humiliating consequence. Anyone who affronts believing men and women without cause, will bear the burden of slander and sinful conduct. (v. 57-58)
O Prophet, tell you wives, your daughters, and women of the believers to hang low their outer garments5 – this way they are more likely to be recognized and not troubled by others. Allah Ever Forgiving, Merciful! (v. 59)
If the hypocrites - those who carry sickness in their hearts and those who spread falsehood and disunity in Madinah - do not desist, God will rouse you (Prophet) against them and they will not be your neighbors except for a little longer! They are cursed and wherever they are found, they will be seized and killed! This was Allah’s practice in dealing with the generations gone before and you will not see any change in Allah’s practice now! (v. 60-62)
People question you about the Hour. Say, “The knowledge of that is Allah’s alone! What would perhaps make you realize that the Hour may be close at hand!” Indeed, Allah is displeased with the disbelievers and prepared for them a blazing fire in which they will live forever! They will have no protectors or helpers! On the day when their faces will be turned towards the fire, they will say, “If we had only obeyed Allah and the Messenger! O our Sustainer, we had obeyed our leaders and influencers and they led us astray from the path. O our Sustainer, may You double the punishment on them and reject them completely!” (v. 63-68)
O Believers! Do not be like those who insulted Moses whereas Allah found him clear of what they accused him of and he is honorable with Allah. O Believers, be mindful of Allah and speak the truth – He will make your affairs in good order and forgive your sins. Whoever follows Allah and His Messenger, they have indeed achieved a great success! (v69-71)
Truly God offered the Trust to the heavens, the earth and the mountains but they all refused to accept it and were wary of it whereas mankind accepted it. They are ever overconfident, unjust, and ignorant! (v. 72)
Allah will chastise the hypocritical men and women, and the polytheistic men and women but will forgive the believing men and women. Allah is Ever Forgiving, Merciful! (v. 73)
1 Older name of the city of Madinah
2 In this case some of the Jewish tribes who sided with the Makkan forces
3 Adopted son of Prophet Mohammad – Ziad was a slave of his first wife who gave the Prophet as a gift and Prophet freed him and adopted him as a son
4 Jainab was a cousin of the Prophet - daughter of his aunt Umaimah who was a sister of his father Abdullah, fathered by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib
5 See also 24:31 -these two verses are generally understood to define dress requirements for believing women and these verses has been the subject of various interpretations