Chapter 65 - 105
The Divorce (Surah At-Talaq)
(12 verses - revealed in Madinah – during 6th year of Hijrah)
In the Name of Allah, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!
O Prophet! When anyone intend to divorce their wives, they should wait until the prescribed period1, something you should calculate carefully and act responsibly regarding Allah, your Sustainer. Do not force your wives out of your houses and they should not leave on their own either – unless one has done openly a gross immoral act. These are the guidance and limits that Allah has established and whoever violates such limits set by Allah has indeed done injustice to their own souls. Perhaps Allah will bring about a change in their condition that you may not even conceive! (v. 1)
Once they have reached the prescribed period, stay together honorably and with goodness or separate honorably and with goodness. Secure two good witnesses from among yourselves and let them bear witness with equity for Allah’s sake. Anyone who acts responsibly regarding guidance from Allah, He will deliver a way out for such people and give them sustenance from sources they can’t even conceive! Whoever put their trust in Allah, He is sufficient for them! Allah always attains His purpose – as Allah has ordained measures for everything! (v. 2-3)
To overcome doubts about the prescribed period, the time is three months for women who had either stopped menstruating or have not had their menses yet, while for pregnant women it is until they give birth. If you fulfil your duty to Allah, Allah will make things easy for you! This is Allah’s command revealed to you. If you keep your duty to Allah (yattaqi), Allah will remove your evils and enlarge your reward! (v. 4-5)
Give them accommodation according to your means and in your household and do not harass them to cause them pain. If they are pregnant, provide for them until they give birth and if they agree to suckle the baby, then give them their provisions and practice goodness to each other. If you can’t reach agreement, then someone else can suckle the baby. If Allah has provided you in abundance, then spend in abundance and if Allah has restricted your provisions, then provide out of what He has been given you – Allah does not burden a soul beyond what He has given it, and Allah brings about ease after difficulty! (v. 6-7)
Many cities and communities that rebelled against the commandments of Allah and His Messengers were called to account for their conducts severely – We chastised them with a stern reprisal so that they can taste the consequences of their evil conduct, and their end was a total loss! Allah as prepared for them severe reprisal; so be mindful if you are a people who understand and who believe. Allah has already sent down the Reminder and a Messenger who recited the messages of Allah clearly to you so that God may deliver from darkness into the light those who believe and do good. Again, those who believe in Allah and do good deeds, Allah will make them enter the Gardens with flowing streams, a place to live forever. Allah has indeed apportioned a goodly sustenance for them! (v. 8-11)
Allah is the One Who created the seven heavens and of the earth likewise. God’s commands come to them so that you may recognize that Allah’s control is over all things and Allah envelopes all things in His knowledge! (v. 12)
1Waiting period for divorce that is explained in more detail in verse 4 later and also in 2:228