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Section VI: Late Madinan Chapters (630 – 633 CE)

Chapter 5 - 111

Chapter 5 - 111

Repast (Surah Al-Maidah)

(120 verses; revealed during the last Pilgrimage and after triumph of Makkah)


In the Name of Allah, the God of Mercy, the Endower of Mercy!

O Believers! Be faithful to your covenants. Lawful to you are all beasts similar to cattle, except any specific mentions (as unacceptable), and do not hunt when you are in the state of pilgrimage. Allah prescribes according to His will. Do not violate the sanctity of the rights of Allah, or the Sacred Month, or the offerings for sacrifice already marked, or those who flocks to the Sacred Mosque seeking God’s pleasure and grace. Only after your pilgrimage, you can hunt.

              Never let your hatred of a people who may hinder you from the Sacred House of Worship lead you to acts of aggression. Rather, help one another to advance virtue and increase your (collective) sense of responsibility (taqwa). And do not help one another to further evil and enmity. Be conscious of Allah and know that Allah is severe in retribution!

              Forbidden to you is carrion, blood, flesh of swine, that on which any name other than Allah’s has been invoked, a strangled animal, an animal beaten to death, one killed due to a fall, one gored to death or savaged by beast of prey but not what you have slaughtered. Forbidden also is anything sacrificed on altars for idols. (You are also forbidden to) seek to learn by divination about the future—this is sinful.

On this day, those who have persisted in denying the truth have lost all hope (of destroying) your way of life. So fear them no longer, but continue to be conscious of Me (God). On this day, I have perfected your Way of Life (deen), completed My blessings on you and chosen Islam as your Way of Life. Now, if anyone is driven by dire necessity (to what is forbidden) and not inclined to sin, then he will find God to be much Forgiving and a Dispenser of Grace. (v. 1-3)

              They ask you about what is lawful. Say: “All things good and pure are lawful.” With respect to hunting animals that you teach how to hunt with knowledge that Allah has imparted on you, eat what they hunt for you, but do mention Allah’s name over them and be mindful of your responsibility and remain conscious of Allah.           Surely Allah is swift in taking accounts. Today all things pure and good are made lawful for you. The food of those who have received revelations before (e.g., Jews, Christians, and others) are lawful to you, and so is your food to them. (It is lawful also) to marry women who are faithful and women from faiths that have received revelations before, provided you offer dowry, intending to marry them and not fornicate or engage in secret love (e.g., a mistress). Whoever denies faith (after such broad guidance) will render his work vain, and he will be among the losers in the Afterlife.

              O Believers! When you get ready to pray, wash your face and your hands and arms up to the elbows, wipe your head, and wash your feet up to the ankles. If you have an obligation for shower, then do so (rather than just ablution). But if you are sick, or on a journey, or have satisfied a call of nature, or have sexual intimacy but cannot find water, then take advantage of pure dust, lightly passing over your hands and face. Allah intends no hardship on you but wishes to purify you and to bestow His full grace on you so that you have reasons to be grateful. (v. 4-6)

Remind yourself of Allah’s (constant) favors and blessings on you and of the pledge with which He commits you when you said: “We hear and we commit.” (Therefore) Keep your duty to Allah (and to fellow human beings). Allah is ever aware of what you intend to do and what you keep in your heart.

              O Believers! Be constant in your devotion to Allah, and bear witness with justice and truth; Do not let hatred of a people incite you to acts of injustice and inequity. Be just (adl)—this is the closest to the observance of your responsibility (taqwa). Remain conscious of Allah and be true to your sense of duty—surely Allah is fully Aware of all that you do.

              Allah has promised to those who believe and do good work that they will have forgiveness and a reward from Him that is grand, whereas those who persistently deny, disbelieve, and reject God’s messages are destined for Hellfire.

O Believers! Remind yourself of Allah’s favor when a group of people have tried to displace you, but He restrained their hands (and helped you establish yourself as a community). Therefore, be conscious of Allah, and on Allah every person of faith should establish true reliance. (v. 7-11)

              Allah made a similar covenant with the Children of Israel, and He caused twelve of their leaders to be sent (to search the land of Canaan). Allah said to them: “I am with you. If you sustain your worship (of Me), share your wealth with the poor, believe in My Messengers and assist them, and offer up to Allah a loan of goodwill; then God will efface your evil deeds and let you enter Paradise (of peace and plenty) wherein rivers flow. But whoever disbelieve after this, he will have moved far from the right path.” It is on account of their failure to stay true to the covenant that We rejected them and made their hearts to harden. (As a result) they distort the meaning of God’s revelations by taking them out of context and became unmindful of a certain portion of their reminders (revelations). You will experience treachery from them all except a few; yet pardon them and forbear since God loves those who do good (to others).

              As for those who say: “We are Christians,” We (God) also took a solemn pledge (covenant), but they became similarly unmindful of a certain portion of the reminders (revelations); As a result, We let enmity and hatred to stir up among them, until the Day of Resurrection. God will soon make them understand what they contrived (against one another).

              O People of the Book (Previous Revelations)! Surely, Our Messenger has come to you who makes it clear much of which you had concealed from the book (Bible and Torah) and forgives much. Now indeed, a Light and a Clear Book has come to you from Allah, Who by His will brings those who is so inclined to the path of peace and brings them out of darkness (Ignorance) to Light (Knowledge and Wisdom), thereby guiding them to the Straight Path. (v. 12-16)

              Those who say God is the Christ, Son of Mary are indeed disbelievers. Say (to them): “Who will prevail against Allah in any matter if He wishes to destroy Christ, Son of Mary, his mother, and all who live on this earth?” Remember that Allah’s dominion covers the earth, the heavens, and all in between. He creates what He pleases. Allah has power over all things. The Jews and the Christians say: “We are sons of Allah and His beloved.” Say (to them): “Why does He then make you suffer for your sins? You are nothing but mortals from His creations. God forgives whom He wills, and God causes to suffer whom He wills. Allah’s dominion extends over heavens, earth, and all in between. (Your) journeys (and pursuits) are destined to come to Him (for resolution).”

              O People of the Book! Surely a Messenger has come, after a long cessation when no prophets came, to explain the truths; lest you say: “No bearer of good news or warning came to us. Now a bearer of good news and a warner came to you (as God willed); Allah is ever powerful to will anything.” (v. 17-19)

              (Remember when) Moses said to his people: “O my people, remind yourself of the favors of Allah Who raised prophets from among you and who gave you control over yourselves and (blessings) that were not given to any other nation. O my people, enter this Holy Land which God has promised you, and do not turn your backs—if you do, then you will be lost.” The people replied: “O Moses, there are powerful people in this Land, and we shall not go in until they depart, and if they do, we will surely enter in it.” Two people (Joshua and Caleb, according to the Old Testament) who were God-conscious and who were blessed by Allah said: “We should enter through the front gate, and if we (have the courage to) do that, we will surely be victorious. As people of faith, we should put our trust in Allah.” But the people refused: “O Moses, we will not make such an attempt as long as these powerful people are there. (Perhaps) you and your God should go and fight while we sit (and wait).” Moses) prayed: “My Sustainer, I have no control over these people except me and my brother (Aaron). Separate us from these people who transgress (often).” God replied: “This Land is forbidden for them for forty years (a lifetime); they will wander about on this earth without aim. Do not grieve for people who transgress as such.”

              Now relate to them with truth the story of the two sons (Abel and Cain) of Adam—they both made offerings (to God), but it was accepted only from one of them (whose offer was genuine) and not from the other. So the one (whose offer was not accepted) said to the other: “I will kill you.” Said the one (whose offer was accepted): “God only accepts from those who are mindful and responsible (Muttaqin). If you attempt to kill me, I will not do the same. I am afraid of (the consequence of my action, if I do so, from) God, who is the Cherisher of the Universe. I would rather that you bear the burden of my sins and your sins and such of your action will put you into the Hellfire, which is the suffering for those who are unjust.”

              At last, his blind envy and disregard of his own soul drove him to kill his brother, and he became one of the lost. Then Allah sent a raven, which scratched the ground to show how he could cover the body of his dead brother. This put him into deep remorse, and he cried out: “Am I not able to do what this raven did and cover my brother’s dead body?”

              In light of this did We (God) prescribe to the Children of Israel (and by implication to all): Whoever kills a person, unless to amend for murder or corruption in the land, it is as if he killed all of humanity; and whoever saves a life, it is as if he has saved all of humanity. Surely our Messengers came with clear teachings and arguments; yet, after this many people go on committing all sorts of (evil) excess on earth. (v. 20-32)

              The only punishment befitting those who engage in war against Allah and His Messenger and make mischief and widespread corruption on earth (i.e., killing, oppression, destruction of environment, financial inequality, etc., in a persistent manner) is that they be murdered, crucified, hands and feet cut off, or vanished from earth (i.e., in a manner and with deterrent that is most effective and lawful in contemporary world). This is their (deserved) disgrace on this earth and in their Afterlife, (God will bring just and) grievous punishment to them. But if any of them repent before they are overpowered, then Allah is Ever Forgiving and Merciful.

              O Believers! Be mindful (attaqu) of your responsibility to God (and to fellow humans) and always seeks ways to get close to God (and fellow humans) and strive diligently (jahidu) on the path toward God (and goodness to others), that you may find and achieve success.

              Those who deny the grace of God (and oppose goodness), they will be willing to offer all that they had on earth and more than that on the Day of Resurrection, to avoid the consequence of their evil deeds; but such bargain will not be accepted, and they will face an awful chastisement. They will desire to come out of the Fire but will not (be able to) come out of it; their chastisement will be long lasting. (v. 33-37)

              As for those men and women who persist in theft (of common good or public good), cut off their hands as a punishment and as an exemplary punishment[1] from Allah.  Allah is Mighty and Wise. But if they repent their wrongdoing and correct their conduct, then Allah will accept such repentance (so should you). Allah is Forgiving and Merciful! Do you not comprehend Who Allah is—His dominion is over all of heavens and earth. God chastises whom He wills, and God forgives whom He will. Allah is ever powerful over all things!

              O Prophet! Do not grieve for those who persist in denial of the truth, those who say outwardly “We believe” but in their hearts believe not; and some among Jews (or any people who claim faith in today’s context) who eagerly listen for a lie or listen to people instead of coming to you (the source). They alter the meanings of words, take them out of context, and presuppose the outcome by advising others: If you are told such, then accept, and if you are told something other than this, then be cautious.

              If Allah intends (allows) someone to be tempted, You cannot help him against Allah. For such as these, Allah intends not to purify their souls (as they desire otherwise). For such is a disgrace in this world, and in the Afterlife they will face awful consequences. They eagerly listen for lies and devour forbidden things; yet if they come to you to seek judgment (or guidance), you can offer judgment or stay aloof, as they can do you no harm; but if you do render judgment, then do so with justice and equity (qisth) because Allah loves those who deal with justice and equity (Muqsithin). How is it that they seek judgment from you while they have such judgment (guidance)already from Allah in the Torah, which they refuse after all of these? They have no faith! (v. 38-43)

              We (God) indeed revealed the Torah containing guidance and light (knowledge), by which prophets, who submitted (to God), rendered judgment for the followers of Jewish faith; as did the rabbis and the scholars—(they were all) entrusted to preserve what God had revealed of the Book of God and they were to bear witness over it.Therefore, do not fear people but fear Me (God), and do not misinterpret the message for earthly gains. Deniers of truth are those who fail to judge (act) according to what Allah had revealed. We (God) prescribed for them: life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and like the wound inflicted2.  But for anyone who forgives and forgoes, such an act will atone his sins. And whoever does not judge (act) according to Allah’s revelations, he is deemed a transgressor (fasiqun)!

              We made Jesus, the son of Mary, to come after them, confirming that which was in the Torah (Taurat), and revealed to him the Gospel (Injil), which also contained guidance and light (knowledge). It verified what remained of the Torah and served as a guidance and as an admonition for those who were mindful and responsible. So let the people of the Gospel judge (and act) according to what Allah had revealed in it. Those who do not do so are deemed transgressors.

              We have revealed to you (Prophet) the book (the Qur’an) establishing the truth, verifying all books that came before it, and making it a guardian (of truth). So, (as we commanded other prophets before), judge (and act) between and among these people based on what Allah has revealed, not deviating from it, which is their desire. For every group (of people) We (God) have allowed different rules and different ways of life (as they opted for). If Allah had willed, He could have made all into a single community, but He wanted to test each group in what they find themselves. Therefore, compete for goodness. Since to Allah all of you will return, He will then inform you in all that you differed!

              It is imperative that you judge among people based on what Allah has conveyed in revelation and not be swayed by the errant views of some of them. Be cautious, lest some of them tempt you to deviate from parts of what Allah has conveyed in revelations. If (at the end) they do move away from the truth, then it is because Allah desires to afflict them with their own sins, since many of them have already transgressed. What is it they want—judgment of ignorance? Who is better than Allah as a judge for those who have firm faith and conviction in truth? (v. 44-50)

              O Believers! Do not take Jews and Christians into your confidence; they are friends of each other. If you do that, then you become like them, and Allah does not guide people who are unjust. You can see people who have doubts (about faith) incline toward them and say: “We fear that a misfortune will fall on us.” Perhaps Allah will bring victory (for the faithful) or any other outcome that will become a source of regrets for those who harbor such thoughts in their souls. Those who are firm in their faith wonder: “Are these the same people who took a strong oath to align themselves with the adversaries?”  Their action bore no positive results, and they suffered losses.

              O Believers! If you abandon your Way of Life (deen), Allah will bring another generation who will love Him, and He will love them. These people will be humble with the faithful and resolute against those who deny faith (and goodness), strive their utmost to follow Allah’s guidance and persist in the face of all obstacles. This (disposition and resolve) is a grace from Allah, who is Infinite and All Knowing.

              Your friends are Allah, His Messenger, and those who have firm faith—those who maintain their worship (salat), share their wealth (zakat), and humble themselves (rakiyi’un). If you nurture such fellowships with Allah, with His Messenger, and with those who are firm in their faith, then you are aligned with Allah, who will ensure your eventual triumph (in life).

              O Believers! Do not align yourself with those who mock your faith and take it as a sport, be they from the people who received revelations before or people who deny God and the truth. Be mindful of your responsibility (attaqu) if you are believers (Mu’minun). When people are called to prayer (to worship God and to humble themselves), they mock and take it as a sport because they fail to comprehend (its true significance). (v51-58)

              O People of the Book! (Jews, Christians and other blessed with Divine Guidance) What fault do you find with us other than that we believe in Allah, in what has been revealed to us, and in what has been revealed before (to you all), while most of you are transgressing.

              Say (Prophet): “Shall I inform you who is in worse shape before Allah to face His retribution? It is those whom Allah has rejected and condemned and who have earned attributes of apes and swine as they become servants to their evil desires (thwagut). These people are in worse position and farther away from the right path.” When these people come to you (the Prophet), they say they believe, but they come in a state of denial and go away in the same state. Allah knows best what they hide (from you). You can see many of them competing with one another for sinfulness and transgression and amassing illegal gains. Certainly, it is evil what they practice. Why do not their men of God (rabbis – rabbaniyuna) and their scholars (legal experts – ahbaruy’an) discourage them from sinful conduct and amassing wealth with unlawful means? Certainly, it is evil what they strive for.

The Jews say: “Allah’s hands are tied (not generous).” In reality, it is their hands that are shackled, and they are condemned for what they say. The truth is that Allah’s hand is ever spread out, and God dispenses what He pleases. What Your Sustainer has revealed to you will cause many of them to increase in their rebellion and denial of truth. Therefore, we ordained enmity and hatred among them to continue till Resurrection Day. Every time they light up the fire of conflict, Allah puts it out. They strive continuously to make mischief on earth, and Allah has no love for mischief makers (Mufsidin).

              Only if the People of the Book have confirmed their faith and become mindful of their responsibility (to God and to people), We (God) would remove them from their sins and welcome them to the paradise of bliss. Only if they have been faithful to the Torah and the Bible and acted according to what has been revealed from God to them, they would have been blessed with abundance from Heaven and earth. There is a group among them that pursues the right course, but most others are engaged in evil. (v. 59-66)

              O Prophet! Convey the message that has been revealed to you by your Sustainer. If you do not do so (in its totality), then you have not delivered the message. (Rest assured that) Allah will protect you from people (who are hostile to the message); Allah does not guide people who deny the truth (kafirun).

Say to the People of the Book: “You cannot claim to faith until you accept what is in the Torah and in the Gospel and what is being revealed from your Sustainer.” Surely what is being revealed to you (Prophet) will make many of them grow in arrogance and denial of truth; therefore, do not grieve for them. Indeed, anyone who has faith, and those from the Jews, the Sabians, and the Christians—whoever believe in Allah, the Last Day and do good—they will have no reason to grieve or fear.[3]

              We (God) took a solemn pledge from the Children of Israel, and We sent Messengers to them. But whenever a Messenger came to them whose message did not fit their earthly desires, they would call some of the Messengers liars, and some they would seek to kill, thinking that there would be no harm from it. As a result, they became blind and deaf (lost their ability to see and comprehend). But Allah turned to them (with forgiveness), but they again acted as if blind and deaf. Allah sees all that they (we) do. (v. 67-71)

              It is a confirmation of disbelief (in God) for those who say: “Allah is the Christ, Son of Mary,” whereas Christ himself said: “O Children of Israel, Serve Allah, who is my Sustainer and your Sustainer.” Whoever associates anybody (or anything) with Allah, Allah has forbidden him entry to Paradise, and his residence will be in Hellfire. Those who propagate evil (false beliefs), there are no helpers for them. It is also a confirmation of disbelief (in God) for those who say: “God is one of the three, whereas there is no god but One God.” If they do not desist from such false assertions, grievous consequences will fall on them due to their persistent denial (of truth). Why do they not then turn to God and ask for forgiveness? God is Ever Forgiving and Merciful!

              Christ, son of Mary, was a Messenger (of God), and many messengers have passed away before him. His mother was a woman of great virtue and truthfulness. They both ate food. See how We make the matters clear to them; yet see how they continue to deny (the truth). Say (to them): “Do you worship besides Allah such an entity that cannot control any good or harm for you? Allah is All Hearing and All Knowing.” Say: “O People of the Book, do not extend the boundary of your faith without justification, and refrain from the errant views of people who themselves have gone astray, led many people astray, and continue to stray from the right path (even to this day).”

              Those who disbelieve from among the Children of Israel, they have already been chastised[4] by David and Jesus, Son of Mary for their rebellion and persistent transgressions. They did not discourage and prohibit one another against evil (in their society). Evil was indeed what they did. You see many of them more aligned with those who disbelieve, and their minds (and earthly desires) push them toward evil so that Allah is displeased with them, and they earn chastisement as a result. If they truly believed in Allah, the Prophet and abided by the revelations, then they would not befriend the disbelievers, and many of them do transgress. You will find the people most hostile to the believers are the Jews and polytheists, whereas nearest to the faithful are those who say: “We are Christians.” They have priests and monks among them, and they are not arrogant. (v. 72-82)

              When they (the Christians) come to understand what has been revealed to the Messenger (the Qur’an), they are overwhelmed with tears in their eyes as they fully comprehend the truth. They say: “Our Sustainer, we reaffirm our faith and include ourselves among those who bear witness. What reasons do we have not to believe in Allah and the truth that has come to us while we truly aspire to be among the people of faith and truth?” So Allah rewards them Paradise with flowing fountains to reside, as a fitting recognition for those who do good. But those who continue to deny Allah and reject the messages are destined for the evil of flaming fire. (v. 83-86)

              O Believers! Do not deprive yourself of all that Allah has gifted you of good things, but stay within limits of its use (consumption, extraction, accumulation, etc.). Surely God loves not those who exceed limits (Mu’tadin). Benefit from all that is lawful and pure that Allah has blessed you with, and be conscious of your role and responsibility, if you believe in Allah.  Allah will not hold you accountable for minor and casual oaths you might make, but He will call you to account for deliberate oaths that you make, in which case you can expiate such oath (1) by feeding ten needy people in the same measure that you feed your family or (2) by clothing them or (3) by freeing a person from bondage, and if you do not have the means or access to such remedy, then fast for three days. This is the expiation for oaths that you take (but can’t keep or should not keep). Be faithful to your oaths when you make them. This is how Allah makes His message clear to you so that you can give thanks.

              O Believers! Intoxicants, games of chance, the practice of idolatry, fortune-telling, etc., are loathsome and Devil’s work. Stay clear of these, that you may be successful. The Devil only desires to create enmity and hatred among you with intoxicants and games of chance and keep you from your remembrance of and devotion to Allah. Will you not then refrain from such? Follow God’s message and His Messenger and be ever cautious against evils; but if you fail to heed, then know that the Messenger is only trusted to convey the message clearly.

Those who believe and do good, they incur no blame to eat (what they are blessed with) as long as they are mindful of their responsibilities, have faith, and do good and continue to increase in their commitment to their responsibilities, faith and good work. Allah certainly loves those who do good (Muhsinin). (v. 87-93)

              O Believers! Allah will certainly try you with respect to game (hunt during pilgrimage) that comes within your reach and your weapons so that God can ascertain who is conscious of Him unseen. Whoever goes outside the boundary of this guidance will face its due consequence.

              O Believers! Do not kill game when you are on pilgrimage, and whoever does this intentionally, he will compensate (such an offense) by sacrificing the cattle equivalent as judged by two persons of good faith, to be brought to Kabah, or he can expiate by feeding the poor or fasting in an equivalent manner—this is such that he can face the gravity of his conduct. Allah forgives any past misdeeds on this, but whoever returns to it (after clear guidance), Allah will make him suffer its consequences. Allah is ever Mighty, an Avenger against the unjust.

              Beneficial to you is the game of the sea and what it provides, a provision for you and for travelers, and the game of the land is forbidden when you are on pilgrimage. Be mindful of your responsibility to Allah Who will gather you all to Him.               God had made the Kabah, the Inviolable House, a symbol for benefit to mankind, with its sacred month, the offerings with embellishments to make you aware that Allah knows all that is in the heavens and on earth; He knows all that exists. Be cognizant that Allah avenges all evils while at the same time Allah is Ever Forgiving and Merciful. The Messenger is here only to deliver messages, and Allah knows what you do openly and what you hide (do in secret).

              Say: “Good (clean - tayyibu) and bad (unclean - khabithu) are not the same, though the presence and abundance of bad may please you. So be mindful of your responsibilities to Allah if you claim to be a person who understands, so that you may succeed.” (v. 94-100)

              O Believers! Do not ask for (undue details) of things (regarding rules or guidance), to prevent such details from becoming burdensome for you. If you ask such details while the Qur’an is being revealed (or afterward from Prophet), these might indeed be revealed. Allah overlooked this (for your good). Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing. People before (followers of previous revelations) have asked such questions and then failed to fulfill, thus becoming deniers.

              God does not ordain or require any animal to be segregated[5] such as bahirah, or saibah, or wasilah or hami - such devices are a fabrication of lies against Allah due to their lack of understanding, by most of them. When they are told: “Attend to what Allah had revealed and align with the Messenger,” they say: “We find sufficient the practices and ways of our forefathers.” But what if their forefathers did not have the knowledge or the guidance?

              O Believers! Take care of your soul by being responsible. If you are on the right path, the endeavors of those who err will not harm you. To Allah you all will come back, and He will certainly inform you about your deeds.

              O Believers! When your death approaches you and you make a will, call witnesses from among you or from outside, if you happen to travel and death befalls you—two persons of integrity. You should ask them after performing a prayer; if you feel doubtful about their integrity, then ask each to swear by Allah: “We will not take any gains for the sake of any relatives or hide this testimony before Allah. Otherwise, we will be committing a sin.” If it turns out (or is suspected) that these witnesses are guilty of such sin, then two others shall come forth whose rights have been violated, to witness against the first two and shall swear by Allah: “We consider our testimony truer than the testimony of these two, and we have not transgressed the boundary of what is right; for if we do, then we are committing an evil.” Such an arrangement makes it more probable that the first party will give true testimony or will fear that other oaths will be taken (if warranted) after theirs. Be mindful of responsibility and pay attention —Allah does not guide people who transgress. (v. 101-108)

              When Allah will gather all the Messengers and ask: “How was the response (from your community to your messages)?” they will reply: “We have no knowledge (beyond our time), whereas You are the Knower of all that is hidden or unseen.” Allah will (turn to Jesus and) say: “O Jesus, Son of Mary, do you remember My favor to you and to your mother—how I strengthened you with the Holy Spirit; how you spoke to people from childhood to grown age; how I taught you revelations, wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel; how you shaped out of clay the form of a bird and breathed into it so that it became a bird by My permission; how you would heal the blind and the leper by My grace; how you raised those who were dead (spiritually or near death physically) by My grace; and how I protected you from the Children of Israel when you came to them with a clear message. Yet those who persist in denial say: ‘This (Jesus and his message) is nothing but a manifest enchantment (deception)!’”

              Remember when I (God) inspired the disciples of Jesus: Believe in Me and My Messenger, to which they all replied: “We believe and do take our testimony that we submit as Muslims.” (Also remember) when his disciples said: “O Jesus, Son of Mary, is your Sustainer able to send us a repast from Heaven?” Jesus replied: “Be mindful of Allahif you claim to have faith.” They said: “We desire to partake in it so that our soul might find comfort (in our belief), that we come to know that you speak the truth and that we can be a witness to all of these.” So Jesus, Son of Mary, prayed: “O Allah, our Sustainer, send down from Heaven a repast to us—a source of ever-recurring comfort, to the first of us and to the last of us, and a symbol (of grace) from You. Provide for us; You are the Best of those who provide.”

Allah replied: “Surely I am sending (as I always do) such repast as you asked for, but if afterward any of you continue to deny the truth, then I will inflict punishment like the one that has not visited anyone on the earth before.” God will then ask: “O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you tell people: ‘Take me and my mother as two gods beside God’?” He will reply: “O God, Your Glory is limitless; how can I say something that I have no right (truth) to say? If I had said such a thing, You would have known. I do know what I had in my mind, but I do not know what is in Your mind. You are the Knower of all that is hidden and unseen. I said to them nothing other than what you commanded me to say: ‘Serve Allah, who is my Sustainer and your Sustainer.’ I (Jesus) was a witness among them as long as I was with them, but after my death, You were their Keeper, and You are a Witness to all things. So, if you chastise them, then surely they are your servants, and if you forgive them, then You are Ever Almighty and Wise.”

              Allah will say (on Judgment Day): “On this day truth will benefit those who were truthful—theirs is the garden with flowing fountains, and they will reside there forever; Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Allah. That is a grand achievement!

Allah’s dominion extends all over the heavens, the earth, and all that are in between. He is Powerful over all things.” (v. 109-120)

1 as a deterrent—only after proper judgment and proof beyond doubt

2 See Exodus 21:23, Jewish law of retaliation

3 see also 2:64

4 See Psalms 78:21–22, 31–33 and Matthew 12:34, 23:33–35

5 Practices by idol worshippers to designate certain animals (camels, goats, sheep) based on arbitrary criteria to sacrifice to idols or set free
