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MyLLife Digest: September 2024

Qur'an & Hadith Reflections: You Can Judge A Person by His or Her Mentorship

The prophet of Islam was a man of extra-ordinary faith, piety, generosity, humility, trust and courage. It is interesting that while the early followers of Prophet Jesus are labelled as “disciples” by the Christian churches and historians implying a hierarchy in the relationships, the early followers of Prophet Mohammad are called “companions” by Muslim historians, implying a relationship among peers and friends. The extraordinary success of Islam as a faith and Muslims as a community since the death of the prophet was the result of extra-ordinary caliber of companions he had developed and left behind to carry out his unfinished work – a process that continues even to this day.  His friend and one of the best of the companions was Abu Bakr who became the first ruler in a very turbulent situation after the death of the Prophet. The following two incidences, among many others, show the caliber of individual he became, especially given the unprecedented nature of the events he found himself in: 

  1. When the prophet died, it created panic among the residents of Madinah and some even refused to accept that he had died.  Abu Bakr was just returning from visiting the house of his daughter where the Prophet had died, came upon the crowd and took control of the situation with these words – “if you had worshiped Mohammad, then know that he had died but if you worship God, know that God never dies!”  He then reminded them of a verse that was revealed long ago – “Mohammad is no more than a Messenger and messengers had passed away before him. So, if he dies or is killed will you then turn and retreat? Anyone who turns and retreats can do no harm to God. God rewards the grateful!” (3:144)
  2. His first speech on becoming the first ruler of the Muslim community after the death of the Prophet is a timeless piece that inspires all future generations: “As I have been placed for leadership, though I am neither inclined to it nor the best among you, I am a mortal and do watch over me. If you see me do right, help me and if you see me do wrong, correct me! Truthfulness is necessary for this trust and lying will destroy it. In my estimation, the weaker among you are stronger until I restore what is due to them and the stronger among you are weaker until I take from you what is due to the other.  I have spoken and may God have mercy – on me and on you!”

 It is notable to reflect on the fact that the death of Jesus has been turned into this “Sale of Salvation” a doctrine that has no rational underpinning or moral equivalence. In contrast the death of Mohammad inspired the young Muslim nation to strive to walk in his ideals and deepen faith in the Ever-Living God.