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MyLLife Digest: September 2024

In a republic like the US, citizens are assumed to be the sovereign after God in our democratic form of government. The elected representatives facilitate the process to carry out the duties of the state for public well-being and fulfill citizens’ mandates under the guidance of the Constitution...

The prophet of Islam was a man of extra-ordinary faith, piety, generosity, humility, trust and courage. It is interesting that while the early followers of Prophet Jesus are labelled as “disciples” by the Christian churches and historians implying a hierarchy in the relationships, the early followers of Prophet Mohammad are called “companions” by Muslim historians, implying a relationship among peers and friends...

The world is approaching a critical threshold in the fight against climate change, a fight that is mainly against ourselves. At the Paris Climate Accord, participating nations committed to limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels, recognizing that surpassing this threshold would lead to severe and potentially irreversible environmental changes...

In an age where information is just a click away, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the flood of news, opinions, and updates—especially with a presidential election on the horizon. As a generation that consumes media predominantly online, Gen Z faces a unique challenge: How do we ensure that the information we're seeing is accurate and reliable?

This is a new series where we will give a quick run-down of events that might be of interest to our readers and in general about the world we live in. Let us know if you find this series helpful. We will continue to increase its breadth and depth as we get more volunteers to collate and catalog relevant news and events for our readers...

All of us at MyLLife are pleased to introduce a member of our MyLLife Scholars 2024 Cohort, Maya Chamra!...